[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker and MacKensie rejoined with the group on the other side of the village, where party member Lilliana had explained about a soul confined to purgatory, unless a ritual was done to set him free. She spoke with such passion about needing to do this for the restless ghost. This was bad timing for the party as her skills were valuable to the mission but Barracker did feel sympathy for the ghost and so he found it hard to disagree. Not that he would speak out against her, even if he wanted to. He was new to the party and hardly knew Lillianna, so he kept his thoughts to himself. The party was full of a range of class builds and individuality skills alongside himself that would prove useful, so hopefully they could manage. [Color=Green]“Farewell Lilliana, stay swift,”[/color] he gave a salute. Barracker listened to leader James’ estimation of the cult numbers and deemed it a solid guess. In answer to the clerics question, the paladin nodded. [Color=Green]“It is true, I do have night vision. I also am a bit of an insomniac,”[/color] a trace of a smile flickered on his face. [Color=Green]“So i will make a decent watchman,”[/color] James carried on, giving out formation orders. Barracker thought it to be a wise choice. He gave a nod, James had a good sense of strategy and it was easy to see why the party had chosen him as a leader. [color=df73ff]"If anyone has any suggestion feel free to say it, there is no such thing as a stupid idea"[/color] First MacKensie suggested a stealthy approach. [Color=Green]“Good idea,”[/color] which Barracker added and expanded on. [Color=Green]“If a decoy is required, I volunteer myself for the role. I have defensive magic in addition to my shield. I may be able to draw away the living and hold them off without causing casualties. This would leave the rest of you an opening to sneak to the main chamber and deal with the wraith.”[/color] he bowed his head to James. [Color=Green]“Only a suggestion. I will follow your command.”[/color] The climb up ‘Temple Hill’ was short, Barracker now walked with his sword and shield at the ready, his huge claymore blade resting on his shoulder plate as he gripped the hilt. They made camp quickly. Barracker helped out where he was required. He took a seat on a fallen stone pillar and rested his tower shield next to him. Once everyone had settled he gave them some advice and knowledge from his bestiary studies. [Color=Green]“Wraiths are floating entities, which can be difficult to hit due to visual distortion, but they are slow. They have semi physical talons, which they will try to strike you with, but their most dangerous attacks will be dark magic spells they throw at you, some of which can cause temporary paralysis. Many acolytes of Hades can use magic also so be prepared to face melee fighters and spell casters.”[/color] Barracker proceeded to explain the most common layout of the temple, which commonly consist of one long hallway through the centre of the building that would lead to the main chamber. While shut down, the long hallway would be barred by several sets of puzzle locked doors. There would be ways around this likely guarded corridor. From the entrance there would probably be doorways to kitchen areas, and library areas that may provide an alternate route to the main chamber. One of these rooms might even have a hatch door to the basement floor where the living quarters were.