Adam was distraught that Lillianna was leaving the team. She had been a loyal member of the team, electrocuting herself to help everyone in their fight against the water ninja. And she was probably the one he was closest with in Second Chance after MacKensie, especially after their talk on the roof. The Druid knew though that doing the right thing wasn't easy; she had to be hurting also. So instead of trying to convince her to stay, he settled on making the mage promise she would find him if she was in trouble and gave her a hug before she left the group. The red-eyed man wanted to process this loss for a while, but that would have to wait. Right now everyone had to focus on the mission at hand, the slaying of the monster in the temple. After helping with setting up the camp as needed and giving his friends food from his supplies if they wanted any, Adam listened to his fellow teammates as they provided insights and ideas. James with an important question, MacKensie with her desire to avoid hurting innocent people (which added to the Druid's admiration for her), and Barracker's insights on the temple's layout all would contribute to the success of Second Chance. Stealth seemed to be the consensus of everyone there, and Adam couldn't find fault with that. If they were trying to isolate the beast, his magic could perhaps contribute to that. “We'll be indoors, so that means I won't be able to grow as many plants as usual. However, if we can get to an isolated room, maybe I can barricade it to prevent anyone from coming in. Please watch your heads.” Saying this, he used his magic to shake a nearby oak tree, watching as acorns fell as a result. Adam then mystically moved a few dozen of them to his now-opened bag. “I can grow these into oaks that will be as useful as my magic normally is.” It was no lightning bolt, but it would have to do.