Fenna had been in the church and watched the emotional exchange between Lilliana and sister Gwen, she had heard everything Feanor Moss had told her. And still she was surprised Lilliana was adamant to return to the Mazy Hillocks immediately to help the spirit she had been in contact with. There was no stopping the mage, so Fenna hugged her. "Go to the Adventures Guild, ask for aid. Do not go into the Mazy Hillocks by yourself. It was the only advice she could give, because their current quest was also important and she didn't feel much for delaying it by joining her in the quest of the spirits. Surely there were other adventurers who could help her and if all went well they would see each other back in city. After she left it was time to focus on the mission. The diamond shape made sense, Mackensie's stealth idea made sense and focussing on the wraith itself seemed like their best shot. "I have nothing to add at this point," she said. "I agree with the points raised." They continued up the hill and to the temple; it was an impressive structure and, as Barracker explained, it had several rooms. She sat down and took some bread from her bag to eat. She watched Adam collect some acorns and from what she had seen from his magic didn't doubt they would be useful at one point. "Are we going to attempt the locked puzzle doors or go straight through the other rooms?" she asked the others. "I suppose going through the other rooms will mean we're at risk of running into cultists and whatnot, but having to wait at every door and figure out how to go through will delay us and cultist may catch up to us. Either way, I don't think we'll reach the wraith without running into at least a few cultists." She paused. "Personally I wouldn't mind trying the doors and if we fail to get through we can still decide to try and go around them."