[hr][center][hider=Kordhell - Murder in My Mind][youtube]https://youtu.be/DZWqkHBemLU?si=Pnu8d7Sb8okOjggS[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr]

[center][h1][u]Alizée Altieri[/u][/h1][/center]

[color=lightgray][i][u]Location: Veni Vedi Veni[/u][/i][/color]
[@Punished GN]



The grin that spread across Alizée's face was sharp, fervent, and cold. 

Target acquired.

[color=#A299FD][i]"Now, how do we take her?"[/i][/color]

[i]"Let's be civil with this first. We just want to [/i]book[i] her, remember?"[/i] she thought.

[color=#A299FD][i]"I. [/i]WANT.[i] Her,"[/i][/color] Void's metallic and dark voice hissed in her mind, biting out each word. [color=#A299FD][i]"Just hurry up. That lady beside you sent out another text and can't stop checking it. Can't stop eyeing you."[/i][/color]

Alizée's eyes darted over to the muscular woman, who was indeed staring at her as the bartender placed Alizée's drink order down. [i][b]“Hell yeah, sister, chug that shit!” [/b][/i]

She smirked, taking the hundred and slipping it back into her wallet, which was then nestled in her purse. The bartender really was a son of a- ...well. The burning thirst tearing up Alizée's throat made her slightly more forgiving. The bartender was likely just trying to keep her girls safe. Safe from the haunts of the night. Safe from folks who would do the girls harm. Folks like... her.

As she withdrew her hand, she held the top of the opened beer bottle, sliding it over to the red-headed woman. She gave a small, innocent smile. [b]"Here. My treat."[/b]

There was a sleight of hand at play as Alizée withdrew, moving to nurse her own drinks. A small white tablet had been dropped in the woman's beer. A sedative. Mild, of course. But enough to make her feel more than just [i]tipsy[/i]. Alizée had picked up a few tricks on her own in her years of night-stalking. This was a fun ploy to use when she was in a public setting and wanted to get a target to feel [i]exhausted[/i]. Feel [i]numb[/i] in the bones. Due to the lady's muscle size, she wasn't sure how effective the sedative would be. But the redhead set off a lot of red flags for both her and Void, so a sedative, clearly, was the next logical step.

Making herself a little comfier, Alizée curled a strand of platinum hair out of her eyes as she took a seat at the bar, spinning to face the stage.

[color=#A299FD][i]"So, what's your plan?"[/i][/color]

[i]"Depends on what this lying bartender says."[/i]

She enjoyed the lights, show, and music of the DJ welcoming Violet and her friend, before tossing back the first gin and tonic.

[color=#A299FD][i]"Is drinking a good idea right about now?"[/i][/color]

[i]"Gotta look like I either don't know what's going on, or don't care."[/i]

She made a face, setting the empty glass on the counter with a confident thump. She was tossing it back, just as the muscular woman said to. It was [i]strong![/i] The bartender made a good drink. Allowing herself a moment to recover, she moved to face the bar halfway, resting her elbow on the glossed counter before tossing back the second drink.

The effects on her empty stomach were almost instant, and she used her elbow to keep herself sitting a bit straighter. The world had a nice swinging-ship feel to it.

[color=#A299FD][i]"You're an idiot."[/i][/color]

[i]"Yet you're still here."[/i]

She took a pause. If the Coven saw her right now... The thought made her chuckle. That was, until she thought of Kali and his damn badge. It had been a while since something spooked her that bad. But... Eh, she could take him. Him and his whole damn army, badge or no badge.

[color=#A299FD][i]"Now the drinks are talking."[/i][/color]

[i]"Shut up."[/i]

Alizée glanced sideways up at the bartender. [b]"So, now that [i]Violet[/i] is here, how does one go about getting a private dance? I want Violet all to myself, you see."[/b]

She ran her finger around the rim of her now empty glasses before glancing back up, a dark look in her eyes.

[b]"You can tell me, or I can drag her off the stage myself. Your choice."[/b] She smiled, not bothering to conceal her threat.