[i]The chill ascends from feet to knees, the fever sings in mental wires.[/i] Lifeboats shunt off, spinning slowly in loose orbits around the Sphere. Cable after severed cable lashes madly between them, like a nest of maddened serpents. The flock— what remains of it— contracts to try and salvage their beachhead, their tactical advantage that might yet gain them the secondary prize of the fleeing [i]Plousios[/i]. Here, Ember dances, her enchantment burned away by the rising tide of instinct and battlefrenzy. [i]Flow[/i] state, Tides, ecstasy, revelation, Howl from the Ashes. Howl. Howl. Howl. [i]And Ashes’ spirit, ranging for revenge, With Ares by her side come hot from hell, Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice Howl havoc and let slip the wolves of war![/i] A pike she rams through the gravitational core, twists it like she works the guts of a boar, and then there is only making her way out without the use of the cable, for the cable is burning, the Sphere leaking its essence into the tumult of Poseidon’s sea. But the flock is scattering, and the Sphere rolls like a dying whale, and only the sight of a ripple of red and gold cuts through the desire to hunt each one down one by one, burn them out, leave them drifting, wring their reinforced spines— But that is a leash. [i]You will return.[/i] And so Ember waits, and at the moment when the world goes silent she flings herself from the Sphere, firing towards her waiting lady, more for aim than for momentum, because then the Sphere ruptures outwards, and the force shakes her into shaking laughter as she hurtles back, and the startled crows scatter so far that they’ll be [i]days[/i] cohering again. Back to Mosaic. And what will she think of a pupil-dilated, tail-bushing, sense-shifted Ceronian coming back to her from the blossoming force-rose of a dying gravitational core?