Aside from his “trick,” Adam didn't have anything strategic to contribute at that time. Putting a few acorns into his pockets, his mind drifted to the ones they had lost. With Lillianna gone, there were now four members of Second Chance gone. Was this something that would continue? The Druid knew he would do the right thing whatever the circumstances, but what if he ended up alone in this strange world? It wasn't something he wanted to think about, but it felt like a real possibility. The shared experience of coming from Earth had helped unite them all, and Adam did not want to lose those bonds. The man decided for now that he would simply fight to the best of his ability, and trust in them all to keep going as one. And if they didn't? Well, maybe Glee could use a new teammate or something. Perhaps the- [b]“Die cultist!”[/b] The new person's declaration startled Adam out of his thoughts and he quickly prepared himself to grow some vines around this new threat, only for the apparent ice mage to stop his assault and start talking. It seemed he and his prisoner acquaintance had managed to escape, and the Druid was certainly sympathetic with what happened to them, but he was also reminded of the experience of a certain cart owner and spoke. “It is nice to meet you both. I'm sorry for what happened to your friends. However, I hope you understand our need to be careful” the red-eyed man said to George, still ready to cast at any moment. Now addressing Barracker, the nature magic user asked “is there any way we can know for sure if they're with the cult?” It seemed Adam had something strategic to contribute after all.