[center][h2]Finn Reid[/h2][/center]
[right][b]Interactions:[/b]  Sloane/Sully [@Atrophy] and everyone else[/right][hr]

"Thanks for asking Sully, and I am doing okay." He said in a genuine tone. It was nice to see someone asking him how he is doing, granted the whole meeting got everyone busy. He and Bella were tight, family and losing family is never easy, no matter what.    

However, the meeting has gotten worse. The last thing he expected was Everleigh pulling a gun on Kali. While he does not trust the man, killing him is not something he wants. At least he has not done anything to warrant that yet. He is just outing himself as an FBI agent in front of everyone and adding to the mess of this meeting. Bella really would have hated this, and he knows that for sure.  

But with how this meeting is going, it is only making him regret returning. Like seeing how the group handles coming back, and it takes one person to mess it all up. The only thing keeping him here and not out the door at this point is finding Bella's killer. This group is probably his best chance despite how dysfunctional the Coven was. There were people here he did like and is okay with but some of the others... there was a reason he left with Bella. 

So after hearing Kali out and hearing what the other people had said, the gun pointed at Kali's head is now lowered. Finn made his decision known and said it bluntly. "Well, despite what you say, Kali. I just cannot trust you, and so I am with Linqian. The things you say do not add up to me and so I vote we kick him out." 

Now it is time to see how the others feel, though most seem in favor of keeping Kali around so far. Still, if Kali kept his mouth shut, then Finn would actually have no reason not to trust him. But Kali outed himself at the start, and he says what the FBI was thinking of doing to them and by his word that they did not. The thing just reeks of lies to him, but time to see if the group wants him around or not. Either way, there is nothing Kali will do to make Finn trust him at this point. FBI or not.