[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] Whatever response came from his teammates, in terms of a favoured path through the temple, digesting their answers would have to wait. Zell span around at the alarming sound of an intruding voice, his hand wrapped around the black, leather bound hilt of the sword on his back. His reaction speed left a lot to be desired, seeing as by the time he saw what was going on, MacKensie and the unknown wizard were pointing weapons at eachother and could easily have let fly bolts and magic before the swordsman had a chance to do anything. But they didn't start shooting, merely trading a few words that dissolved the situation. When MacKensie put away her crossbow, it was enough to make Zell release his grip on his own weapon, although his feet did slightly shift position as his leg muscles coiled like springs ready to burst him into action, his teleport ready to aid him in covering the distance. "I am George of the adventurer party, Hidden Hand," he greeted, limping forward and offering to shake MacKensie's hand. "We underestimated the numbers of the cult..." Zell's bullshit alarm was blaring like an air raid siren in WW2. As the man spoke, Zell found himself less interested in what he could hear and far more interested in what he could see. He squinted to get a better look at George's left hand, which happened to be within sight. The sight of a Source Crystal would have been all the Englishman needed to feel better about the situation, but low-n-behold; the bastard was wearing gloves. [i]Hidden hand, eh,[/i] Zell thought. [i]Fucking convenient.[/i] Convenient indeed. And just like that, Zell was hit with a gut-wrenching realisation... [i]Shit! Lillianna might be in trouble.[/i] It had all seemed too far-fetched that Lillianna had to leave at once to save this ghost of hers. And losing their wizard right before showtime was just far too convenient for their enemy. [i]Fuck![/i] Why hadn't he realised sooner? It wasn't for certain - Sister Gwen might indeed be innocent - but they shouldn't have been allowed to leave without first being interrogated. Zell was completely off in his own world, missing the end of George's words and MacKensie's also. His eyes were looking about the floor as he thought about how far away Lillianna had gotten and if there was any logistical way they could catch her and still get back in time before the entrance to the temple sealed shut again. There was no way to know, but the odds were surely against them. Zell looked up as Adam spoke up, brought back to the present to catch the young American's polite show of suspicion. The druid had asked Barracker for advice on how to proceed, but Zell had plans of his own, interrupting before the vampire had a chance to respond. "Calm down, mate," Zell said with a smirk to Adam, and a gesture for Barracker to hold a moment. He started walking towards George. "Can't you see these men have been through enough already." And then to George himself as he neared; "You'll have to forgive my friend, he's a little on edge right now. Zell Brooks." He offered his hand to shake. His left hand. And as he shook George's hand, his thumb brushed the back of the wizard's left hand, searching for the feel of a Source Crystal. Now this would go one of two ways: [b]Either A>>[/b]He would feel the marble-smoothness of the Source Crystal beneath the man's glove. In which case, he would smile with relief and give a nod to the dwarf also. "You two must be hungry. Why don't you come and have a seat?" [b]Or B>>>[/b]He would feel nothing. And Zell would proceed to twist the wizard's arm up behind his back and slam him face-first into the dirt, not letting go George's hand, putting a foot on lying bastard's back and peeling the glove off to show everyone that he wasn't an adventurer at all. "No source crystal! He's fucking lying. All these bastards around here are fucking compromised."