[b]“Calm down, mate.”[/b] Adam arched an eyebrow at Zell, wondering what he was thinking. The Druid knew the swordsman wasn't naive to the situation, but this still seemed too casual. Nick had described how this cult operated, including a certain mustachioed- [i]The mustache, dangit! We're in danger, I have to-[/i] His thoughts were interrupted, however, by Zell's handshake maneuver. Stepping up, or in this case, twisting and slamming when it counted. The red-eyed man cursed himself for missing Nick's clue. Whether it was because it was such a small detail or because he was thinking about Lillianna and the team's future really didn't matter right now. As the evil man's cronies began their assault on Second Chance, Adam knew he would do his best to prevent them from being harmed, and he was already prepared to do so. Casting his magic, he created two sets of vines that rose out from the ground, grabbing two of the spearmen and entangling them. Before they could do anything, the Druid threw them against two of the swordsmen, knocking down all four combatants like bowling pins. And while they were stunned on the ground, the fisherman grew thick tree roots around each of their necks, choking them to death instantly as the force of the plant matter crushed the rods below their heads and prevented them from breathing. Adam knew these cultists would have other tricks up their sleeve, so while he was happy there were four less of them, he stayed alert to be prepared for whatever they tried next.