
The first day of the boat ride was spent almost entirely creating references. Jimmy's eyes would dart around, soaking in every detail of every spectacle, from battles to babes, from Pokémon to partygoers. Each would get immortalized in Jimmy's sketchbook, full of drawings of dresses, suits, pants, ties, even hats could be found with its pages of artistry. As soon as he got home, he would surely create his Magnum Opus, inspired by the whole world, no less! And as the night came, Jimmy's energy didn't let up, mingling amongst the various people on the boat, whether they be the lowliest servant or the most professional of trainers. Buying drinks, exchanging business cards, placing custom orders, the night was as full as could be for Jimmy.

The second day was his chance to [i]really[/i] shine! Jimmy busted out his secret weapon for the trip: a custom, tailored suit made by him specifically for this event. A deep, navy blue jacket and pants, accompanied by a black vest and white undershirt, all held together with golden buttons, a silver handkerchief, polished leather dress shoes, and a scarlet red tie. The jacket and pants were adorned with expertly placed tiny white stars, to capture the essence of the endless night sky. And on the shoulders and sides of the jacket were depictions of the two legendary Pokémon, Ho-oh and Lugia. On the right shoulder was a golden image of the rainbow bird Pokémon, while the left depicted a silvery image of Lugia, the guardian of the sea.

And as the night set, Jimmy's suit glimmered in the twilight rays as he entered the Lucky Catch. Sure the food was good, and one could even say the decor was exquisite. But that's not why Jimmy was here. He was here for what was in the [i]back[/i] of the restaurant, behind closed doors: The dance floor. What better way to stand out and attract new friends than to show your moves? Pushing open the heavy wooden doors, he enacted his master plan. Cocktails were bought, and passed around, as he began to attract his own little crowd. The place was absolutely abound with energy as Jimmy continued to work his magic, riling up the dancers, and taking pictures for social media. 

At last he was ready for his final act, complete domination of the dance floor. He had a secret trick up his sleeve: he was a master at the art of breakdancing. Or at least, the time he had spent training, accompanied by the alcohol in his system told him he was. He began with several sweeping motions, followed by twists and turns of his legs, as he continued to twirl himself around. At last he ended with a glorious pose, one leg extended to the side, and the other bent inwards as Jimmy held himself up with his waining strength. Righting his position, Jimmy staggered a bit as the room began to spin, the alcohol and inertia hitting him. [color=orange]"Well, I hope everybody saw that because I will [i]not[/i] be doing that again! Hahaha!"[/color]

Jimmy put his hands on his hips as he reveled with the rest of the dancers. Deciding enough was enough, however, Jimmy decided now would be a good time to end the night. If he stayed up too late, he might miss tomorrow's events. He couldn't afford to do that! He shuddered at the thought of so much missed inspiration and excitement. That and the creeping exhaustion. Stepping out the doors and back into the restaurant, Jimmy looked out at the various foods on display. Surely one meal couldn't hurt?

Unfortunately, Jimmy would not get his wish, as the ship would violently shudder, followed by the sounds of cracking, and screaming. People began rushing towards the exits, pushing past him, as a massive pillar began to tumble, being held up by a lone Machamp. As Jimmy began to run towards the exit with the rest of the patrons, a combination of inebriation, shoving, and fatigue from his previous endeavors, ended with him tackling the Machamp with his full weight, knocking them both down, the collapsed pillar falling behind them with a rumble. Jimmy climbed up to his feet, and thankfully, through either, luck, skill, or divine intervention, his suit had remained completely spotless. 

He offered a hand to the Pokémon he had tackled. [color=orange]"Come on big guy, let's..."[/color] He stumbled once more. [color=orange]"...get out of here!"[/color]