[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker listened to the discussion about how best to proceed inside the temple, Fenna appearing to favour the more direct route towards the wraith in the main chamber. Zell made it clear that only the longer route around would be stealthy. [Color=Green]“Normally I would…”[/color] As he started to give his opinion, Barracker’s muscles tensed, as his hearing picked up movement that did not belong to the party. The Paladin looked towards where it came from and stood up, weapon at the ready as a stranger popped into sight. "Die cultist!" the stranger said. Luckily no blood was spilled and the fact that the stranger thought he was attacking a cultist suggested the man might be an ally. Having already been in the temple, as he explained, he might be able to give the crucial facts and key information that would lead to success. “It is nice to meet you both. I'm sorry for what happened to your friends. However, I hope you understand our need to be careful” Adam seemed suspicious of the stranger, rightly so, who then pointed a question to Barracker. “is there any way we can know for sure if they're with the cult?” Barracker thought a source crystal would go a long way towards proving the stranger's story of belonging to an adventurer party. He was about to say as much until Zell interrupted, gesturing for them to let him take the lead. "Can't you see these men have been through enough already." Zell’s attitude seemed calm and collected, once again reminding Barracker of his best friend Krillen. He knew that Zell was up to something and waited for it to play out. And when it did, resulting in George’s cover being blown, Barracker didn’t even have time to smile that ‘great minds think alike,’ his keen sense of hearing picked up multiple pairs of shuffling feet in the surrounding area. [Color=Green]“We have company!”[/color] Barracker yelled as he jumped into action. [color=df73ff][i]"FUCK!"[/i][/color] "GETT THEMMM!!!" As James and Adam began casting, Barracker was already zooming ahead, putting himself in between the ambushers and the vulnerable position of Zell, MacKensie and George. His first thought was to protect his friends but he also isolated the mage from George’s party. As the ambushers came running towards them, Barracker jumped into a shield bash that crushed a swordsman’s face, blood and teeth flying through the air. He then flowed into a spinning sweep of his claymore, taking a second man off his feet. Amidst the carnage he heard James’ battle commands and backed up a few steps, shield up, to George, Zell and MacKensie. He would make sure George would not be able to cast , by attempting to give the man a whack on the back of the skull with the rim of his shield, just hard enough to knock him unconscious. He would try to keep George alive for later interrogation.