[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6666FF]Demetri Rowan Howell[/color][/b] [b][color=CC00CC]Cassian Rudenko[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1125619539040813077/Copy_of_Black_and_Gold_Eye_Modern_Occult_Illustrative_Halloween_Virtual_Background.gif[/img][hr][b][color=6666FF]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=6666FF]Skills:[/color][/b] [hr][hr][/center] Demi had no idea what had gotten into Janelle. Seemingly having snapped out of nowhere just because he was trying to make sure they all stayed together. The pull from the Hotel was clearly stronger than any of them had previously realized and he just wanted to minimize the time they were waiting each time someone fell for the tricks of the Casino. He felt as she snapped the shadow around her wrist, his control already wavering from fatigue and hunger. All it took was one break, and the shadows began to quickly unravel from everyone. He hadn't expected for Alexios to take his request so seriously. A Cornucopia was the very definition of portable and filling. He slung the strap of it underneath his free arm as Zeke held onto his hand. Demi pulled a vine of table grapes from the device, holding it just above his mouth as he used his teeth to pluck one of the massive dark orbs off of it and began to eat. [Color=6666FF]”Thanks…Alexios. Kristin's right though, we need to get along, especially in here. There's no reason why you two have to fight all the time. Who knows maybe we can have a lovely triple date down one of the faux Italian rivers here with a gondola and food after this is all done.”[/color] When they reached Nancy, Demi was riddled with concern. She wasn't doing well at all, and regardless of Zeke's wish to move forward, Demi wasn't sure she could. He wasn't even sure if she had heard him speak just now. He let go of Zeke's hand, gently placing what remained of the grapes in his palm before stepping away. Demi knelt down before Nancy, looking her in the eyes and giving her a silent question, an open invitation should she wish to take it, simply receive a hug and let out everything she was feeling in that moment. Normally he would've gone in, initiated it, and held them close. But Nancy had her boundaries, and he wanted to respect them while offering the choice. Cassian followed Anya and Aron through the halls of the Casino Hotel until they reached the Laser Tag room. There was another group already gearing up, and as Anya explained to Cass how it all worked, he began to grab what was left on the wall. Placing the vest over himself and securing it tight, noticing how the pieces clipped before going over and grabbing his weapon. [Color=CC00CC]”Battle Royal? How very Hunger Games.”[/color] He looked over the gun in his hand, searching for any extra buttons or things before finally responding. [Color=CC00CC]”As I'll ever be.”[/color] Cassian slunk into the arena, ducking behind covers as he tried to get the layout of the place. He could hear some noises from the group that came in before them, tailing them silently as he watched their movements long enough to get a read. He quickly popped around a corner, faking left as he went to shoot right and got one in his target. He continued this, targeting two more as he tried to dwindle the numbers down so in the end it would be a match up between Anya, Aron, and himself.