Xavier watched Ryder -not like one waiting for her to explode, but like one wanting to see beyond the surface. He felt he had taken at least one other correct step, though also like he may've only been making up for steps already taken backwards. Perhaps he had been too focused -too thrown, by the knowledge of this individual being his daughter, that he hadn't asserted himself as he should've when the Danger Room idea had been proposed. But then again. . .the X-Men -and of course the students- were like his children. He did have to be prudent. His mistake was not being so holistically. Strike one, perhaps? At least he was granted this second chance. Xavier couldn't resist closing his eyes momentarily at the unpleasant sensation that washed over him as Ryder relinquished her mental hold. His watchfulness then returned as she got herself off the bed. [color=#7393B3]"I'll be sure to let them know,"[/color] he responded, [i]not[/i] humouring her. In fact, he had a mental message for his X-Men, but before sending it he informed Ryder, as he swiveled his wheelchair around to the door, [color=#7393B3]"in case you may need, I do have spares,"[/color] tapping the arm of the assistive device, before pressing the switch to travel forward. It was at this point he delivered a quick message to the others: [color=#7393B3][i]'Ryder is awake and has expressed interest in seeing more of her new surroundings. No need to overwhelm her, though as it has been a little while since we welcomed someone new, let's not forget ourselves.'[/i][/color] He did this on a "private line", but putting nothing past the inheritor of his x-gene, he didn't make it quite so private as he could've. Lest she be able to pick up on the "static" or "blankness" of a channel for which she knows is there, yet is otherwise barred from, as Xavier was certain that would be another misstep. So, just in case Ryder may be tuning in, he chose an innocuous reminder to his team of individuals to conduct themselves accordingly. [hr] In his room, Logan raised his head at the receipt of the message, then almost shook it. But, he didn't know the Professor to make a habit of not knowing what he was doing, even if it could look that way sometimes. . .Logan himself was still here this many years on, after all. Still, he was glad the regular amount of students weren't here right now, given they were between semesters. He had a feeling Xavier's kid wouldn't go berserk on other kids, yet in his experience kids had a talent for pushing buttons they really should not even think of getting near. [hr] Almost as one, the three adults outside also took attention. [i]"No need to overwhelm her"[/i] -they were not being requested to all assemble for a proper introduction; that would come in time. [i]"Let's not forget ourselves"[/i] -though if the tour happened to bring them into each other's company, cast aside your qualms and let your better self lead. [color=#D3D3D3]"I've had my own welcome for Ryder in mind. I think I will take this opportunity,"[/color] Storm excused herself. Partly because what she said was true, and partly because she sensed there was something the couple may want, or need, to talk about. [color=#0096FF]"Thanks for your help with the exercises."[/color] Scott then turned to Jean. It took him a minute to find his words, [color=#0096FF]"you know I never thought I'd wish we had someplace else to go, but if Ryder is going to keep affecting you maybe we should find something."[/color] [color=#DAA06D]"It's not like that, Scott."[/color] [color=#0096FF]"How isn't it -you still weren't even in the room with her and just felt something again."[/color] [color=#DAA06D]". . .it was targeted. She was telling me to mind my own business."[/color] Scott did a shift from looking concernedly riled at the "targeted" to looking confused. [color=#DAA06D]"I accidentally 'looked in', I guess, when I was near the Danger Room. I could feel an outpouring of telepathic energy though I hadn't meant to explore it. . .This has been happening since we got back, and only with Ryder. . .so far."[/color] [color=#0096FF]"Then that's even more serious."[/color] She looked at him squarely. [color=#DAA06D]"She might not be what's throwing me off. We have or own situation we can't predict."[/color] His attention followed hers down to where their "own situation" was just starting to be evident. He set his hand there, but not long. Jean noticed at what moment he drew it away. [hr] [i]Meanwhile, outside the Danger Room. . .[/i] [color=#7393B3]"You may recall me saying how a few of my grown students help to protect those who need it. Collectively they are the 'X-Men', and our facilities down here are mostly dedicated to their work; as you've undoubtedly gathered, the Danger Room is typically used for training. Down that end of the hall lies a 'Ready Room' where missions may be planned before they set out, usually through the Hanger. Then there is the Medical Bay, and Lab; not for exploitative experimentation,"[/color] he repeated his previous assurance solemnly. So far he was only pointing these rooms out as there was one that related more personally to this moment; at the right end of the hall, nearer to them. He now indicated it: [color=#7393B3]"And, you may already have some sense as well of the device that is through there. It is one I created with the aid of an old friend, which allows me to find mutants all over the world. Those I know of, and those I'm alerted to by a strong display of their x-gene."[/color] At this, Xavier paused, eyes closing again as he spoke with palpable regret: [color=#7393B3]"I have only an idea on why it did not alert me to you. . ."[/color] he opened his eyes, [color=#7393B3]"I believe Umbra was somehow able to account for what they knew of my power,"[/color] the unknowns of this disturbed him, [color=#7393B3]"I specifically looked at the facility after a report from Jean of odd psychic experiences. It showed me nothing."[/color] The moment was interrupted by the fifth X-Man, who decided -after finishing some lab notes- to respond actively to Xavier's telepathic message, given they were just down the hall. [color=#4169E1][b]"Salutations,"[/b][/color] Beast greeted, even before he came up to them. [color=#4169E1][b]"It's always heartening when progress is shown by one on the mend."[/b][/color] His way of saying it was nice to see her health hadn't worsened; instead improved enough that she was up and about. [color=#4169E1][b]"To make your acquaintance, I am Dr. Henry McCoy. Though I more regularly take the moniker of 'Hank' or 'Beast'."[/b][/color] He held out his hand. Whether his graciousness was perceived as genuine or not, it was.