[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] [Colour=Pink][i]How did he...?[/i][/colour] It didn't matter how he figured it out. He was right. And as Zell exposed George's lack of a Source crystal - causing the wizard to yell for his friends - MacKensie was released from her shock, eyes darting about to mark the enemies all around and above. Once more she drew her one-handed crossbow, bolt pre-loaded and cocked, hand-speed beyond human. Her first bolt hit one of the men who got tangled up in the vines of Adam, and she reloaded while strafing to her right, circling a little to get a better look at where the arrows starting raining down from. Her second bolt was aimed at one of the archers, not two seconds after her first. It hit a cultist in his arm just before the man could fire his arrow, causing his aim to wildly deviate and his arrow to fly off harmlessly. Barracker's speed and ferocity was unreal. He wielded the claymore as if it was a shortsword, and the massive tower shield looked as light as a feather in his hands. The vampire had dove in first like the wind, taking the pressure off them - proving that his terrifying visage wasn't just for show. Adam's magic was also unbelievably immense. Clearly more comfortable with his powers, the druid was quick to react and took out four enemies before they could even cross the distance. [color=6ecff6][b][i]"I call to you Lord Undaya, Ruler of the seas and King of the ocean, bestow upon us your blessing, to be as cold and unwavering as you are in the deep below"[/i][/b][/color] And there it was; that familiar feeling of a magical boost coursing through her body. MacKensie had never thought to ask James exactly what Undaya's blessing did to the party, but it felt like strength. She couldn't detect the physical endurance boost that it gave, but she could certainly feel the other side - the mental endurance. Confidence. Courage. The readiness to face any situation. The ability to endure whatever this world could throw at her. And that's exactly how she felt right now. James' orders were clear and concise. By this point the Ranger had fired three more bolts and rapidly reloaded, but now she clipped her crossbow back into the holster at the small of her back, dashed a step over to Barracker, who was taking care of George. [Colour=Pink]"The wizard is all yours,"[/colour] she spoke into his ear with a hand on his shoulder after approaching him from behind, then she went to Zell who was next to the paladin. [Colour=Pink]"We need to get up there and stop them,"[/colour] she told him urgently, then waved him closer with one hand while the other fired her magical grapplehook up to the lip of the temple roof. Wrapping her free arm around his waist, she gave him half a second to do the same to her. [Colour=Pink]"Hold on tight."[/colour] Then they ascended at speed, going from 0-60mph almost instantly. The archers fired down at the upcoming pair, panicked looks on their faces, their aim failing them. Just before they hit the roof, MacKensie let go Zell and the grapplehook released and disappeared, the speed and momentum having both the ranger and the swordsman fly up and above the archers who almost fell on their rears as they reeled backwards. MacKensie drew both crossbow and dagger before she landed, blocking an attack from the first archer to meet her - a wiry individual who decided he'd try to strike the frenchwoman with his bow like it was a stick. All it did was strike her dagger, leaving him open for a point-blank bolt under the chin. The second archer she faced had used his extra time to draw a sword, but his swing missed as MacKensie ducked then hopped backwards nimbly, bouncing on her toes like a boxer as her opponent let out a war cry and charged her for a second attack. She side-stepped the downwards strike, slashing his hand to disarm him and smacking him around the the back of his head with her crossbow to send him stumbling towards Zell. Her instant reload had her follow up with an arrogant shot selection; choosing to ignore the stumbling and disarmed archer, and firing a bolt right by Zell's ear to hit one of the men [i]he[/i] was fighting. [Colour=Pink]"[i]Three[/i] drinks,"[/colour] she proclaimed with closed eyes and big smile, putting up three fingers on her dagger-hand. With Undaya's blessing, she was invincible, and boy! did she act like it.