[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] [Color=Green]“We have company!”[/color] Barracker yelled as he jumped into action. [color=df73ff][i]"FUCK!"[/i][/color] - "FUCK!" Zell and James cursed in perfect unison, which might've been funny in a situation that wasn't so serious. Zell cast George's arm aside and stepped forward, drawing his sword and lowering into Water Stance, weight shifted onto his back foot, sword held high in one hand behind him. The enemy outnumbered them and Zell gritted his teeth, waiting patiently for them to waste some energy sprinting to him. Six of them were heading his way, and he knew that he would have to be flawless here, to come out on top. But it was awesome to have friends. Barracker suddenly came into view, rushing forward and smashing his shield into the face of one cultist. Vines and roots sprang from the ground and started man-handling a group of the enemy. James' magic started flowing through him. Within the space of seconds, the odds had been evened. Zell was eager to make contribution of his own to the fight, now edging forward into a more aggressive Moon Stance, but the remaining two spearmen were heading away from him. At the moment, he seemed to be surplus to requirements. [color=df73ff]"Shields up! Take care of the archers, don't let them interfere, the rest focus on the mage! Don't let him cast!" [/color] "Gotcha bossman!" Zell replied loudly, he and Barracker closing back in on George. The vampire had things covered on the ground, so when MacKensie offered him a lift up to the roof, he gladly accepted, wrapping an arm around her tiny waist. "Going up?" he quipped, before they rocketed to the roof. He could see the fear in the whites of the archers' eyes and he grinned evilly as they closed in. One of the arrows fired at them was on target, but Zell deflected it with a perfectly-timed parry. He let go of MacKensie in sync with her and they flew up before swooping down on the enemy. The simple archers stood no chance against the speed, skill and chemistry of the duo from Europe. Zell was afforded an undisturbed landing due to the timely appearance of Sil who ferociously clawed at the head of the archer closest to the swordsman, who was crying in agony and flapping his arms about to try and shoo the falcon away. Sil was relentless, and Zell merely had to walk up and give the archer a helping hand off the roof with a stiff kick to the midsection. "Cheers, lovely!" he shouted to Sil as she flew off to help Fenna down below. The other archer in his path was no longer holding a bow but dual-wielding daggers, his stance suggesting a respectable amount of skill and know-how, but Zell was not discouraged and engaged him gladly, breaking out into a series of [i][/i] and [i][/i] as they rapidly exchanged attacks. [i]Now[/i] he was having fun. "How are you doing back there, doll?" he shouted over his shoulder to MacKensie, parrying his opponents lunge and spinning backwards so he could spare a glance at the ranger. She was doing just fine. One of her opponents was already dead. Zell looked down to see the battle on the ground was pretty-much over and so he continued to toy with the dual-wielder for a moment longer until his fun came to an end when a bolt whizzed by his ear, causing him to almost crap his pants in alarm. He dodged reflexively after the fact, his opponent taking the bolt between the eyes and dropping lifelessly, and he turned around offended. "Double-you-tee-eff mate!" [Colour=Pink]"[i]Three[/i] drinks,"[/colour] was the bullshit claim! "You're having..." he walked forward and shoved the disarmed man who'd stumbled his way cruelly off the roof. "..a bloody laugh, girl. There's no way that counts!" He shook his head, trying not laugh at the cheeky woman, walking up to her as he slipped his sword back into its scabbard, then folded his arms defiantly. "I didn't even get to kill anyone," he sulked as he stood next to her, surveying the ground below as the last spearman alive, aswell as George, were now surrounded by Second Chance. "This battle is pretty-much over," he mused. "Shall we go back down, then?"