[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] George was in a position on the floor to see his fellow cult members dying as easily as sheep against wolves. While his left arm was hurting like hell and he'd lost his wand, he fortunately had a spare one on his belt and so he pulled it out and got up just enough to start casting. [b]THUNK![/b] Barracker's shield smacked the back of his head, the vampire's controlled strength doing just enough to knock him out without causing permanent harm. The two men who fell off the temple roof both broke their legs on the landing and were writhing around on the floor in agony. The one swordsman who got intimately acquainted with Barracker's tower shield was missing some teeth and unconcious, but very-much alive. Another swordsman aswell as a spearman were both quickly bleeding to death, pale as ghosts, one with a hole in his gut and the other missing a leg. After escaping the clutches of Sil's attack, the last remaining spearman was about to charge at Fenna until he realised that he was the only one still fighting. He quickly dropped his weapon, raised his hands in surrender and dropped to his knees in a plea for mercy. [Center]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ [i]Due to Zell figuring out George's ruse so quickly, the ambushers had lost their initiative and thus, lacked the quickness to get any real attacks in on Second Chance before the adventurers showed their superiority. The teamwork and strategy of The Heroes from the Sky minimized all the major threats and the pragmatic decision to use deadly force instead of trying to save the brainwashed cultists, extiniguished any chance of counterattack. The battle was over, and the first obstacle was scaled.[/i] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] Whatever the party chose to do next with their time, and with the surviving cultists, after an hour or two, the clouds would part to unviel the full moon. The entrance to the Temple of Hades would open up, the wall of rock that previously blocked it shimmering before disappearing.