Interactions: Simone
[hr][color=bc8dbf]Flower's and Canvasses
Late Evening[/color]

[color=f4eb93]"You seem to be doing great, too - you look great in that suit."[/color][/quote]
	[color=#D01417]Of course we do! Suits are a sign of power![/color] This was always more of a [i]you thing[/i]. [color=#D01417]You're right, I'm the half with good taste.[/color]
	I resist the urge to let out a sigh over myself and as I begin to say [color=#8670AD]"Well it's honestly more of a uni-"[/color]
	I get cut off. My head shifts immediately towards Stormy's direction as my hand instinctively moves closer to where I'm keeping the knife.
	[color=#D01417]You'd be better off with the gun. That one doesn't go down easy.[/color] I'm not trying to [i]take him down[/i] I'm trying to [i]incapacitate him[/i] if I have to. [color=#D01417]What a weak response.[/color]
	Thankfully I don't have consider any of those options as Auri moves in to break up the situation. Still, the damage was already done. This entire meeting has become chaos. Well, in all fairness at least half of that is [i]my fault[/i].
	[color=#D01417]Don't be ridiculous. It's twenty percent us, twenty percent Grayson, another ten percent Britney's presence, and a whole fifty percent being the fact that this was going to be inevitable regardless.[/color] I can't fault those numbers...
	Regardless, at this rate everyone's going to leave without a plan. What were they talking about just now? The strip club? Wait don't tell me they intend to go into one of the Wolfpack's hideouts [i]right away[/i] right? I look around again, take note of who's going where as all the possibilities start to go through my brain. I can't let that happen. At best the Wolfpack are the ones we're after and we'd be heading into a trap, at worst they're just a red-herring set up by the actual perpetrator that we'll needlessly get into conflict with.
	[color=#8670AD]"Anyways, before we start making any major moves I think we-"[/color]
	[b]MY. ARM. IS. GRABBED.[/b]
	I look over. It's Simone.
	She's dragging me over to everyone. Okay, that's fine. This is actually good. I get it. With a smaller subgroup we can actually get something done instead of just bickering and reacting to the overall situati-
[quote=Simone][color=EC26B9]"Hey, we're hungry too, and I've got plenty I wanna run by y'all. Can we tag along? And don't worry Drake, I'll keep a close eye on this one,"[/color] she said, motioning to Kali next to her. [color=EC26B9]"We can meet you wherever. My car only fits two, so we'll just follow you."[/color]
	[color=#D01417][b]SHUT UP![/b][/color]
	Thanks, I needed that.
	Okay, review the situation. You have roughly three to four seconds to respond before this becomes extremely awkward. Simone has dragged you over here. We're all going for dinner even though I brought a perfectly good curry for all of us to- [color=#D01417]Forget about the stupid curry.[/color] Right, my culinary efforts are irrelevant... [i]hah...[/i] Still, this isn't bad. If we all meet up at public venue were we can't act out as we please we can at least get some civil conversation done.
	[color=#D01417]You're going to be riding alone with her.[/color]
	I'm going to be riding alone with her... Wha- [color=#D01417]Don't you dare start this again.[/color]
	Right! Right... Focus. Two seconds left. So I'm going to be riding alone with her. She's assuming I don't have a ride which is pretty weird considering St. Portwell's public transit system is actually decent if you know how to use it or... she's... hoping I will just [i]accept[/i] the ride without questioning why she's offering it in the first place.
	[color=#D01417]One on one time in an enclosed vehicle with nothing to do until you get to the venue except...[/color]
	She wants to talk to me? [color=#D01417]After how many years?[/color] Roughly ten. [color=#D01417]HAH! What a joke.[/color] But it's not. [color=#D01417]You're right. Reality is confusing. You have the collective charm of an ameboid.[/color] Thanks... [color=#D01417]It wasn't a compliment you oa-[/color] I know. [color=#D01417]Ah, right, sarcasm, how indirect.[/color] Regardless, is this her way of trying to catch up with me or is she just using this as a chance to probe me about my current job in a place where I can't run away? [color=#D01417]Another chance for you to become compromised and divulge unnecessary information.[/color] I know. I shouldn't accept this...
	I shouldn't...
	[color=#D01417]But you... want to.[/color]
	[color=#D01417][b]Do it.[/b][/color]
	[color=#D01417]No! Not again! I will not repeat this![/color]
	But the mission-
	[color=#D01417]Is something we do to please our superiors but I've honestly never cared about such things. I care about efficiency, [i]and staying true to our desires.[/i] If you want to do something [b][i]do it[/i][/b], the mission be damned. That is the meaning of freedom you spineless coward.[/color]
	I... wow, thanks I don't really know what to- [color=#D01417]Also it's been eight seconds.[/color] [b][i]FUCK![/i][/b]
	I blink as I finally rush back into the present moment and say, [color=#8670AD]"I- um. Well, if you're fine with having me then, sure, yeah.[/color] looking to Simone in this case as if I needed [i]her[/i] permission even though this was entirely an impromptu group activity with no organizer.
	[color=#D01417]Truly a [i]smooth operator.[/i][/color] Just shut the hell up...