[b]Pink![/b] "Let's go home," said Pink. "[i]That [/i]already has so much of my focus and it's out of scope. I'd wallflower and probably help no one, but this way I can at least do something useful." [b]Brown![/b] She looks at this with interest. She was aware of the pitfalls of shit moderation in these environments, but Apostle had punched a eugenicist during their first meeting so she figured there was a floor. In that context she couldn't come up with a good reason not to enjoy the spectacle. "You know, reality TV needs to do a lot of creative editing to force drama?" said Brown. "They obviously didn't realize that they wouldn't need to do that if they just observed leftist spaces instead." She put the phone aside. Deliberate decision, after making her initial assignments she was going to check out for 15-25 minutes to condition people not to bother her for specifics. "But yeah, my main thing right now is..." she sighed. "I haven't had time to process it properly amidst everything, but I went up against a guy recently who just fucking Read me. Like, tried to pull a fast one and he just pulled it apart and I was absolutely fucked, you know? It was only a combination of luck and him galaxy braining himself right out of his victory that got me out of it, but [i]fuck[/i]. And not only did that happen but it happened right at a time when the entire station has gone completely extra so none of the others are going to take the time to internalize that." [b]Red![/b] Red stops in the doorway. Thinks for a moment. She's aware that it's lucky it's her. Not all of her would be able to resist making some sort of fucking Point. There were the statistics, the arguments, the morality, a link to the No Way To Prevent This Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. There's a snappy, unkind response that looms like a lacuna in her mind; 'why does it matter that it's a judge? You decided you were cool with her killing [i]someone [/i]when you gave her the gun.' She doesn't say any of it. Instead she kneels down alongside Chaka and pushes the bottle as far away as her arm reaches. "Listen. You got into this to protect your community, right? Well right now several thousand of them are crossing town in the face of fascists and cops to get to a train station and get home. I would feel way better if you were out there keeping them safe." [Shrink 4/4: Chaka can use 1 point from this pool to recover 2 points of Stability, as many as she needs] "Though," said Red. "Uh, didn't want to go there right now, but you are drunk as shit so I [i]am [/i]going to take your guns first."