[b]Apostle:[/b] “Yeah, I did wonder about that, talking to your blonde segment,” Apostle thinks. “People just don’t do what you want them to, they’ll act against their own best interest all the time, totally irrational. You can’t reason people out of irrational positions. Her plan’s based, but it’d take removing everyone’s choices until they’re only left with the correct one all the time to work. She seems willing to do that though, so it’ll be cool to see if you can pull it off.” “That’s what you were worried about, right?” It’s a genuine question, not rhetorical. [b]Chaka Zulu:[/b] “I’m not that drunk.” She protests, looking at the bottle and wincing. “I’m [i]drunk[/i], but the bad sleep’s just making it hit harder. Couldn’t, couldn’t -” she stumbles, “had nightmares.” [She takes the point and regains the stability. Good call.] “I should go, I should- I shouldn’t go out there.” She slumps back down against a crate in front of a control panel Red would need to access, not on purpose just, this is your luck with each other. “No, like, that’s not self-pity bullshit. If the cops pick me up in this, then-” she holds back a retch and wipes her lips with the back of a hand, the anxiety of thinking about that one was[i] rough[/i]. “They’re going to make me the poster child of trans being violent like they did with Alice. And she, she wasn’t. I mean she did it, she obviously fucking plugged that judge, nobody who knew her would ever believe she’d hurt anyone, Alice was a fucking [i]mouse[/i].” She gestures at all the crates filling the room. “But she did it with one of my guns, so now if I get picked up in this they’re going to label everyone near me a terrorist cell.” [b]Eye of the Tyger, Thrill of the Flight[/b] The first thing you need to do is tell everyone you’re organizing them before you can organize them to move out. They need to know there [i]is[/i] a plan in order to follow one. Right now everyone’s too spread out in rooms, the halls, forming their own march groups in the adjacent streets in proactive self-defense. You need to unite them to lead them. A gift from Fiona, the fact that everyone here’s had to sign up for a room with their contact details, you’ve got a complete list of every group’s phone number here if they didn’t spoof one. That could be useful to you.