[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QIUSezo.png[/img]     [img]https://i.imgur.com/ycOCuCr.png[/img][/center]
 [right][b]Interactions:[/b] Simone [@QueenBea], Drake [@Punished GN], Sloane [@Atrophy], Kali [@Damycles]
[code]Flowers and Canvasses[/code][/right][hr]
Luca shuffled back a bit when Drake approached, trying to avoid catching him in the rotting aura surrounding him. Thankfully he needed to get quite close, and if he got within arm's length of Luca all he'd feel was a small amount of dull pain. It took a while to get really bad for other paranormals.

[color=6B8E23]"Yeah, thanks,"[/color] Luca smiled thankfully at Drake. Concentrating, he picked up the remainder of his bag... Unfortunately it was useless. He might as well just leave it. He had pockets just about big enough for everything on his jacket. He was truly thankful Drake had picked everything up for him, cause it had been incredibly awkward and if he tried there was a risk of him destroying it all and the floor... Sure, his pills were in plastic containers for safety, but better safe. 

Also he'd probably struggle to get back up.

Luca carefully rummaged in the remnants of his bag, pulling out another pair of Spandex gloves and pulling them on. Thankfully they'd been at the bottom and hadn't fallen out... Now he could relax a bit more now, it would be at least half an hour until the polyester fabric fully disintegrated. 

[color=6B8E23]"I really need to get a sturdier bag,"[/color] he joked, shoving another two pairs of gloves in his jacket pockets. Drake had the rest, so all good. Luca stood up and held out his hands with a grin. [color=6B8E23]"'Preciate it... Uh, I won't hurt you like this, the gloves offer some protection."[/color]

He coughed awkwardly. That didn't sound weird at all.

[color=6B8E23]"Yeah a ride would be good. I'll come along to the strip club even if I can't come inside, best to have someone on lookout, y'know."[/color]

Assuming it wasn't too far away. He could sit in a car for probably half an hour before there were any real issues, and an hour before he started doing some proper damage... As long as kept his hands off everything. Last thing he wanted to do was start destroying Drake's car. It was why he rarely went anywhere he couldn't walk to, only risking public transport when absolutely necessary. 

Luca practically jumped out of his skin when Sloane just appeared beside Drake. She hadn't suddenly learned teleportation had she? No, that didn't make sense. She'd just walked over really quickly and quietly, somehow.

[color=6B8E23]"I'll never say no to a free meal!"[/color] He pushed down the nerves he felt after Sloane had obviously eyed up his prescriptions. No need to worry about it. Who would jump right to the conclusion that he was terminally ill! Sure, he didn't want people to know he was ill at all, but that was kind of hard to hide. He could explain it away with a chronic illness, genetic even so not to put more heat on Britney (the infighting was already giving him a headache). But it still made him uncomfortable... Ah fuck, he should've just left his medication at home in the first place. Sure, then he might have to deal with debilitating pain, but he was a master at hiding that! Even Olivia struggled to see through it! Perfectly fine till Simone dragged Kali over. 

Luca was pretty sure Kali had an idea of his condition. He'd let a few things slip, and the guy just had a way of figuring stuff out. Now, he trusted him, and would've assumed he wouldn't say anything about it... Till today. If Kali could straight up say he was with the FBI what was stopping him spilling about Luca? Not maliciously, but he clearly had no brain to mouth filter! 

[color=6B8E23]"I can't speak for Sloane's wallet, but course you can tag along."[/color] Luca grinned. [color=6B8E23]"The more the merrier. You too Kali."[/color]

Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. He'd try and talk to Kali, check the guy was alright. 

[color=6B8E23]"But I gotta lay down some dinner ground rules,"[/color] Luca smiled, acting as if he was about to tell a joke. [color=6B8E23]"First off, no pizza. It really disagrees with me. Second, needs to be somewhere quiet, or where we can sit outside."[/color]

[color=6B8E23]"Oh also,"[/color] he pointed his finger at Drake and Sloane. [color=6B8E23]"You two sit in the front of the car. Well obviously drake will, it's his car, but yeah. Back seats mine, gotta have room to manspread and all."[/color]

What sounded like a half joking list of demands was really a list of neccesities for everyone's comfort. He was sure they'd see through it, but it was easier to do it this way. For him. He didn't like when there was pity directed at him.