[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker knelt beside the cultists who were bleeding to death painfully, mortal wounds spelling their end. One by one each had their turn to say their last words, one was very touching about their late wife, and the final was a cursed remark towards the vampire. Both, though, came with a form of the same tone to the voice, and expression planted on each of their faces. Anguish and fear, it was, such a sorrow only Hades knew too much. [Color=Green]“May Hades judge you in the afterlife, and join your loved ones in the hollow fields”[/color] he said as he raised to his feet. Then he stabbed each of them directly in the heart for a quick mercy killing that would end their suffering. He muttered a silent prayer to Hades, while wiping the blood off his sword. Barracker went to Adam and put a hand on his comrades shoulder and said, [Color=Green]“well done,”[/color] His tone was solemn. Killing other people was not to be taken or done lightly, but the Druid caster reacted fast and swung the momentum of the fight in their favor, taking out several ambushers. [Color=Green]“Without your spell, that could have gone so differently,”[/color] Barracker said, looking into the distance before giving a small nod to the young man. As he came to stand next to Fenna, he first held out his arm to Sil as an invitation for the Falcon to perch upon him. If Sil trusted the vampire enough to join him, then Barracker would pet her gently and then let her fly away. Either way, he would thank the bird for her assistance in the battle. [Color=Green]“Fenna the Aurok Slayer does not disappoint,”[/color] he privately joked with Fenna, but then he said more seriously. [Color=Green]“You outclassed that spearman. Phenomenal."[/color] Eventually the Paladin walked over to his leader. [Color=Green]“James, thank you for the blessing, I feel I’m able to fight forever like this. Should we tie up the survivors? With your permission, I would like to interrogate their leader George. What do you say… Good guard, Bad guard?”[/color] Barracker gave a slight smirk, his eyes glancing over the unconscious cult leader. If the cleric agreed, then they would begin the interrogation and get whatever information they could….