[Color=Green]“Well done. Without your spell, that could have gone so differently.”[/color] Barracker's words and gestures of praise, solemn as they were, shook Adam away from the “battle mode” that he had been in. After thanking the man, the younger one reflected on what had just happened. The fight, in fact, had ended much more quickly than the Druid expected and he thought there might have been a trap or something waiting for them. Instead, only a surrendering spearman and unconscious mage remained alive out of the group that had attacked them. After the last two battles, it all felt kind of unreal. Were they improving, or was this just Mytheria's way of getting them complacent before something awful happened? If it was the latter, the red-eyed man had no intention of letting this new world succeed. Hearing the vampire's plan, Adam figured at least the “tie them up” part of the plan would be something he could start. “Put your hands behind your back and hold still please” he said to the remaining conscious enemy, as he summoned vines from the ground that meticulously entrapped the guy, starting with plant matter that wrapped around his wrists like immovable handcuffs before detaching from the ground. Then more vines circled around him, tying up his body like a rope-bound prisoner in an old western movie. Finally, Adam grew and detached a thick root, wrapping it around the spearman's neck. And he wasn't the best at interrogation, but the Druid [i]did[/i] notice Barracker only wanted to talk to the leader. “Don't try anything. Oh, and if there's anything you know about the temple, we'd appreciate it if you told us.” The fisherman tried to make it sound casual, like it was an afterthought. He figured the sight of his dead friends or the feeling of material that could kill him if a caster wanted to might be enough to motivate this guy into talking, but Adam was no interrogator. At least the spearman would be easy to counter if he was, in fact, dumb enough to try anything.