[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] MacKensie chuckled at Zell's protest, slowly strutting with a cocky air as she met him halfway along the rooftop. She always enjoyed getting the upperhand on their bantering rivalry. A sigh of relief left her as they looked at the results of the battle below. The adrenaline subsided along with Undaya's blessing, her shoulders relaxing and heartbeat returning to resting rate. "I didn't even get to kill anyone." Her eyes widened with shock and MacKensie smacked Zell's arm, a disgusted expression on her face. [Colour=Pink]"Do not say things like that, Zell. It would have been much better if we all could have gotten through that fight without having to kill [i]anybody[/i]."[/colour] She shook her head and looked away. [Colour=Pink]"You would do well to remember that these people have been brainwashed. They are as much victims of this situation as the people down there,"[/colour] she nodded pointedly to the village that could be seen in the distance, then turned back to the swordsman, her eyebrows tilting from offended to almost-pleading. [Colour=Pink]"Please... try to be more considerate of these things. We must be responsible with the power we wield."[/colour] She hoped he would heed the lecture, but did not hold her breath. She hooked her arm around him to prepare for their descent, firing her grapplehook at the rooftop's edge. When she felt his arm wrap around her waist, she faltered a moment, the heat of battle no longer masking her easily-flustered nature. And in her mind came visions from the dream she'd had last night. Her cheeks flushed red and she looked away, composing herself before, [Colour=Pink]"Let's go,"[/colour] they stepped off the edge of the roof in tandem and descended safely to the ground. It was back on the ground that she suddenly remembered the frightened face of the dwarf who'd first showed himself with George - Hardul was his name, she recalled. She did not see him take part in the battle and wondered if he was among the defeated. She walked right past the archers who'd broken their legs in the fall off the roof, searching for the dwarf. As she did so, she caught a look at the busted face of the man who was unlucky enough to get smashed by Barracker's shield. Her face creased in second-hand pain for the man. Unlucky, for sure, but at least he was alive. Seeing that Adam was clamping down the survivors with tree roots and vines, and Barracker and James were dealing with George, the frenchwoman took a look around to make sure they hadn't missed Hardul the dwarf.