[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] To call Marsel Brooks 'obtuse,' would be like calling the Atlantic 'wet,' or Einstein 'clever.' It would be like saying that the Titanic 'ran into a little problem,' or describing Rasputin as 'a little off.' Zell's insensitivity could only be matched by the thickness of his skull and size of his ego. So when MacKensie managed to get through to him so fast and so effectively, it surprised even [i]him[/i]. The young woman deserved a Nobel Prize. "Yeah, you're right," Zell conceded when she was done reprimanding him. "Sorry." Sorry? A rare moment that such a word ever got picked up from his vocabulary. If it had disappeared from the lexicon altogether, Zell might not have even noticed. But here he was, actually feeling bad and a little embarassed about his conduct. Underrated milestone. When he got ready to step off the edge of the roof, he felt her bristle up for a moment and regarded her sidelong. "What's the matter?" Even though she was looking away, doing her best to hide her face, he could just-about see her rosy-red blushing cheek. He smirked and faced front. [i]Stiff as a plank of wood,[/i] he thought endearingly, echoing what he'd told Barracker the other day. [i]But that's part of her charm.[/i] [Colour=Pink]"Let's go."[/colour] "That still doesn't count," was the last word as they descended. After grabbing a handful of shirt from the backs of each archer, Zell proceeded to drag the two broken-legged men over to where Adam was. "You wanna gift-wrap these two aswell, mate?" he asked as he dropped them off at his feet. "I'll go get the other one." It wasn't until he woke the last one up with a slap that he realised that this was the man who Barracker shield-bashed into oblivion. The dude howled in pain holding what had to be a jaw broken in multiple places. Zell started to chuckle and was about to roughly haul the cultist up to his feet, but paused for thought. His eyes raised to see MacKensie walking off and he remembered her lecture, so he changed his approach. "Come on, mate... up you get." He placed a hand on the cultist's shoulder and allowed him the time to slowly rise to his feet, ready to react if the man resisted. "Listen: you're probably not gonna understand this, right now, but we're here to save you. Alright? You and your buddies have lost, so just... do yourself a favour, yeah... don't try anything funny. Come tomorrow, you'll be back home with your family and you'll be happy that it's all over. Kay?" The man seemed more concerned with his jaw than the extra-mile kindness that Zell was showing him - not that Zell was doing it for any kind of gratitude anyway (at least, not from him) - but sure enough the cultist had listened, because he allowed Zell to walk him over to Adam where he could be tied up like his friends. "Cheers, Adam." "Aaaggghh!!!" Zell's attention was drawn to the scream of pain that came from behind the trees. For that reason, he completely missed Hardul the dwarf's sharp getaway plan in action. When he found out it was just James and Barracker conducting interrogations, Zell whistled a low note. "Sucks to be George," was all he said to the Druid. "We should probably hurry. The longer we mill about outside the temple, the more chance that we raise the alarm." He would say the same to the rest of the group. Zell had always been the type to strike while the iron was hot. Sure, it could be mistaken for impulsiveness, but it worked out well more times than not. And for that reason, once all the prisoners were immoblized and the party were all regrouped, Zell was edging towards the temple entrance, trying to hurry everyone up. "Shall we get to it, then?"