Adam sighed and shook his head. He could tell that Lars wasn't fond of him, but he didn't think that this cultist would be so obtuse. Oh well; Second Chance had innocent people to save. The pouting of a brainwashed man could wait. “Okay,” was all the Druid would say to him, his tone as neutral as Switzerland. He grew more vines and wrapped them around his mouth so he couldn't speak, then lifted him using his new “apparel” to a hidden spot in the oak tree, where he had the vines wrap around a sturdy part of the arbor. No matter how much he tried, Lars would not be moving or escaping today. And right after he finished this, a certain “party idiot” dropped off two more. Adam said “okay” to this also, though more enthusiastically than before, and proceeded to use his magic to recreate the restraints he originally made before putting each person at a different part of the oak. They could be recovered after the beast was defeated, and if their brainwashing was undone their injuries could be treated. If not- [b]"Aaaggghh!!!”[/b] The sound of the man almost blocked out Zell, but the red-eyed man knew his intent with the other guy he brought over, and it was smart to restrain this one also. Still, it felt a little morbid, almost like decorating a Christmas tree with bodies. Adam didn't think Zell would understand though, so he just nodded and got to work. Having a little practice at it now, the Druid was able to finish quickly enough to get the cultist secured before Zell delivered his assessment. “True,” was Adam's opinion of George's predicament and Zell's inclination towards battle. Once everyone was together, the red-eyed would also want to proceed, but not without being prepared. “Did we learn anything from their leader, and what do you think we should do?”