"One Ceronian cannot win against an Azura," Ember says, fingers curling around the curved hilt of her sword, thumb running along the whorling pattern embossed on the grip. Around her, at least half of the pack, gathered by the cashing-in of favors or out of enthusiasm for the destruction of the Sphere. They would need someplace to raid soon; their finery, pearl and silk and gleaming scale, was beginning to grow thin and unfashionable. A wise captain is wary of letting a pack's fashion grow stale. How else were they to demonstrate their ability to innovate, or their discerning eye? Treating that Azura to a hearty welcome had kept many instincts at bay, but the desire to envelop and overwhelm was clear to scent. [i]Dominationdesire[/i] is heady, earthy, sullen, demanding something to change. "But a wise knight draws out pursuit across the ford and into the narrow valley, and an entire pack can... well, Merry, why don't you tell us what happens next~?" The attention of the pack contracts for a moment as a shiver of Rightness runs up Ember's spine. She hasn't yet figured out what, perhaps, she might blame Merry Merya the Magi for, but how strange it is that she feels hardly a twinge of guilt as roving hands explore the coils of the pack's newest member. The pack can hardly be blamed for how little they could spare for her to wear, but it's absolutely Merya's fault that she can't seem to provide a comprehensible answer. After all, Azura already talk too much, don't they? The Daughters of Ceron are so, so helpful, and so, so friendly. How pretty she looks with her arms trussed behind her, her dark-painted eyes fluttering, huffing through the thick layers of former Azura finery. An exhalation of [i]Command[/i], scorched with ozone, brings some gazes back to Ember, who is standing on top of her plover's outstretched hand. Sometimes, a little height is necessary, isn't it? Think of how everyone looks up to Mosaic! And it's vital that she have the attention of at least some of the Divers, given what she is about to ask them. No, not ask. If she asks, she will lose. "What happens is that we flank, and overwhelm, and claim our prizes!" The gesture at Merya causes further laughter among the hungry wolves. The glance at Thoughtful Flask almost manages to hide her nervousness, her desire for victory, her desire for glory, her desire to earn her place beside the Queen of the [i]Plousios[/i]. Jove's kiss keeps racing through her blood, and the need to win, to be a Good Girl, to not be shamed, is barely restrained. "And an Azura Knight has followed us across the ford and into the narrow valley, and even if she's surrounded by a bunch of blackbirds with oversized sticks, we are [i]Ceron![/i] We are [i]Ceron![/i]" She throws her head back and howls, and the answering chorus resounds, rolling from plover to plover (and drowning out Merya's tiny squeaks completely). Her sword is a hair's breath from shivering out of its sheath by itself. She pants through her veil, runs her hand through her hair, and barely manages to keep herself together. From the last to the first, how she has risen! How she will rise! Mosaic, witness her! "We will claim our prizes from her closets, her vaults, and her crew! We will bring her back to grovel before our Tyrant! We will scatter the blackbirds across the waves to spread word of our glory! For Mosaic! For the [i]Plousios![/i] For Ceron!"