[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=pink][center]Seraphina Cedergren[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/341e6a830328bb60c8ab9e7b5d9deb4a/tumblr_mo1kd9KDa51rsmyiho1_250.gif[/img][/center] [i][center]Location: Atlantis [/center][/i][i][center]Skills: Hydrokinsis[/center][/i][hr][hr] [color=pink]"Oh yeah."[/color] She nodded gently, that would make sense having seafood for breakfast. She did like seafood and wasn't overly picky about eating shelled crustaceans or fish. [color=pink]"Morning, father."[/color] The girl sat down in a chair at the table close to her father. [color=pink]"Same here. I didn't get the best of sleep.... Nightmares and whatnot. It'll probably take some time before we get proper sleep again."[/color] She took some waffles and crab along with fruits. Sipping on juice as she ate the breakfast meal she placed upon her plate. Sera did hope the next time she went to bed that the nightmares wouldn't return but the mind could become rather cruel. Sometimes even making said nightmares far worse than reality. Was there some god she could curse at for that? Sera couldn't recall...probably was one.