[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker thought that ‘Bad Cop, Worse Cop’ was a more fitting name for what was in store for George. He felt a bit dirty for suggesting this whole thing but felt in dire situations to gain critical information at its quickest pace, he would have to perform some horrible stuff. There was not enough time for long and drawn out questioning tactics and further cross examinations over witnesses, he felt. Now the temple entrance was open, someone could easily come out and see them and sound the alarm. James’ tactics of psychological pressure were clever and effective, it was almost as if his leader had done this before, such was his knowledge and execution. All Barracker had to do was apply enough pain to push George over the edge. He didn’t want to cause permanent disfigurement or serious injury, so he had to be careful about what he was going to do to their prisoner. When it came round to the vampire's time to act, he first grabbed George's hair and forcibly turned his face to look at Barrackers fangs, snarling at George. Then he retrieved the knife that his leader gave him earlier. Barracker asked in a quiet, scary tone, [Color=Green]“Which hand do you want me to mutilate?”[/color] There was no answer, only fearful silence, so Barracker took one of George’s fingers in his grip and pushed the tip of the knife slowly under the fingernail, causing immense pain and a trickle of blood. Thankfully it was all that was needed to break the man’s spirit. After that, James and ‘Kass’ got all the information they could before bringing him back to Adam to be tied up and hung with the rest on the tree. [Color=Green]“Good stuff James.”[/color] The Cleric had shown why he had been appointed to the role of leadership. When MacKensie returned to the group with the dwarf and explained the situation with him, Barracker sensed no deception from the dwarf but more than this he trusted his ally’s judgement. He’d spent enough time with MacKensie to get a decent judgement of the woman. When he first met her and shared drinks, when she came after him outside at the end of the night, something he’d always appreciated. Seeing her interact with the old woman in Cherrad and now the dwarf. She came across as one so virtuous and kind hearted. She was always polite and spoke formally like himself. Just like Fenna, in some ways she reminded him of Evelyne. [Color=Green][i]By Hades,[/i][/color] he thought as he palmed his head. This was the woman that Zell had spoken of, back in ‘Golden Tree Park’ when they first met, before the two had even realised the two were in the same party. [Color=Green][i]Hmm.[/i][/color] His eyes flicked from her to Zell, and back again. [Color=Green][i]Like Fire and Ice. Or Earth and Air,[/i][/color] he smirked to himself amusingly. In terms of what to do with Hardul, he would leave it up to another party member to suggest what to do with him first. There were a few ways to go with this and sadly they all came with some risk, unless they would tie him up like the others.