[hider=Boraro] [color=#FF7800][b]Name:[/b][/color] Ebrima Arendse [color=#FF7800][b]Age:[/b][/color] 32 [hider=Appearance] A 193 cm (6'4") man carrying himself tall and proud, weighing 88 kg (194 lbs), Ebrima sports a wiry build and a slight frown as his default expression. A dark blue-eyed, oval-faced man with sharp features, a clean-shaven head and circular goatee, his most distinctive visual feature is his albinism and the resulting nearly snow white skin and hair. Off duty, Ebrima prefers business casual attire with a particular fondness for colorful shirts inspired by Cameroonian fashion and dislike of ties. Since his time in Mexico, he’s taken to wearing sombreros and colorful ponchos outside to shield himself from the sun, making due with scarves otherwise. [color=#FF7800][b]Voice:[/b][/color] Lance Reddick (Charon, John Wick) [/hider] [color=#FF7800][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Cameroonian [color=#FF7800][b]Callsign:[/b][/color] Boraro [color=#FF7800][b]Skills:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=#FF7800]Close Range Mastery:[/color] Though capable of wielding a wide variety of weapons, Ebrima favors shotguns, submachine guns and carbines as they best suit the environments he's the most used to. When weapons fail, knives, fists or even pieces of rubble have his back. [*][color=#FF7800]Jungle and Urban Combat Expert:[/color] Native to the jungles of South-East Cameroon, Ebrima thrives the most in jungles, forests, cities and environments with obstructed lines of sight in general. In such environments, he can easily and reliably navigate without most aids. [color=#FF7800]Guerilla Warfare:[/color] Though by no means a light operator, Ebrima’s been introduced to the art of guerilla warfare at 17. He knows how to plan and lead guerilla operations, translating well into an ability to break them up just as well. [*][color=#FF7800]Languages:[/color] On top of his native French he speaks fluent English and passable German, Hebrew and Spanish. [*][color=#FF7800]Endless Reserves:[/color] Although not the strongest or the toughest person out there, Ebrima rarely seems to tire, capable of running for hours or walking for days with little else but some rations. [/list] [color=#FF7800][b]History:[/b][/color] Ebrima was born in Cameroon two years before his sister Lishan. Albino siblings caused quite a stir, and since superstition still ran rampant in the Cameroonian countryside, the two spent a lot of their childhood inside the house, hidden from the hateful neighbors. Their father died when Ebrima was ten, leaving supporting the family solely to their mother Alemayehu. Shortly after his 11th birthday, the siblings foolishly snuck out of the house at Ebrima's suggestion, got separated at the market and Lishan Arendse disappeared. The authorities quickly closed the case as fleeing home, despite numerous complaints from Alemayehu. The case was briefly reopened seven months later, when a raid against a black market dealing in witchcraft supplies found Lishan's DNA in several powders and potions, but quickly closed again for insufficient evidence to convict anyone. Alemayehu then sent her remaining child to his uncle, a veteran of one of the many African civil wars, and Ebrima Arendse disappeared from the face of the Earth for a few years. He reappeared at 17, when he moved to his childhood home after his mother’s death. While his missing and presumed dead sister didn't concern the local law enforcement, the name "Ebrima Arendse" was a common staple of their reports. Some might say it became an unofficial medical diagnosis covering bruises, fractures, missing teeth and the odd laceration. No longer hiding, Ebrima often got into trouble for his skin color, to the detriment of the troublemakers. Not long after his return, people around the area started disappearing. As every single one had a bad reputation and many had a criminal record, the police swept the disappearances away with the same disinterest as Lishan Arendse's, until the disappearances became so numerous the complaints from the victims' families could not be ignored anymore. Once it became clear that all of the missing people had something to do with trafficking of rare animals or human organs, someone made the connection with Ebrima's return, but a raid only found a booby-trapped house. For the next 12 years, Ebrima worked with numerous mercenary groups both large and small operating across Africa, Southeast Asia, Mexico and South America, never staying in one place for too long. Until a new flare-up of the Colombian Conflict, where he found his first "permanent" home among the soldiery of an Israeli arms trafficker, Avital Shalev. Ebrima quickly worked his way into Shalev's inner circle, where he was responsible for shipment security, as well as Shalev's personal security whenever he traveled. Colombia was also where he gained his callsign, originally something the other side called him, after a tall, pale creature from Colombian folklore. Unfortunately, Shalev was a bit too successful and eventually his operation caught the ire of Mossad, and Ebrima's security measures and intelligence gathering have more than met their match. Caught between the Mossad agents and a sizable force of cartels Shalev refused to sell weapons to, Ebrima went all in on a pair of 2s of clubs, suggesting they surrender to the Mossad team and leverage what they knew to keep their prison terms as short as possible. But life threw Ebrima a bone in the form of a choice: Spend upwards of a decade in prison, or put his talents to better use. And so, he found himself being put through the Devil's Cooker and joining Raven Squad, pretty much doing the same stuff as before, just for someone else. [color=#FF7800][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Ebrima’s childhood was not pleasant. As such, he relishes every moment of normalcy to its fullest, being fairly jovial off the clock. As a coping mechanism for the shit life threw at him, Ebrima turned to humor, dry as a desert road and as dark as the night sky. Honest to a fault, something that had gotten him into a bad spot previously when a Burmese revolutionary hired a mercenary when he wanted a yesman, he will respect the skilled and will not suffer the incompetent. Having never stopped blaming himself for contributing to Lishan’s death, he’s fiercely protective of the people he grows close to. Once secured, Ebrima’s loyalty is unwavering and he’ll walk on water for the people that have earned it. But if betrayed, that loyalty is lost forever. Life is too short to be wasted on people you can’t rely on. On the job, the other Ebrima surfaces. The image of a consummate professional, calculating, uncompromising, weighing every option before acting if he can and only acting on impulse when absolutely necessary. Some would call him savage in a fight, every motion planned to expend minimal effort for maximum payoff, without any flair. [hider=Armor (medium)] [hider=image][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/54/6f/e0546fbd982b637a8272b69e255297f3.jpg[/img][/hider][color=#FF7800][b]Features:[/b][/color][list] [*]HUD with integrated truecolor NODs, red hot thermal and hybrid vision modes. [*]Helmet camera and rangefinder. [*]Backtracking of incoming fire and strain gauges warning the wearer of potential soft tissue or bone damage based on impact strength. [*]Strength and mobility enhancing exoskeleton. [*]NIJ level IV protection of the torso (front, back and sides) and shins, NIJ level III rated helmet and forearms. [*]Fire resistant undersuit with kevlar reinforcements on the torso and shoulders. Also reduces the wearer's IR signature. [*]Inflatable PFD. The suit itself is too heavy to permit swimming unaided. [*]Temperature controls. [/list] [/hider] [color=#FF7800][b]Weapons:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=#FF7800]FosTech Origin-12:[/color] A semi-automatic 12 gauge shotgun fed from ten-round magazines. Fitted with a one-point sling, a holographic sight and is suppressor-compatible. Ebrima carries a mixed loadout of flechettes, slugs and a magazine of frag shells for emergencies. [*][color=#FF7800]DesertTech MDRx:[/color] Chambered in 5,56x45 mm and fitted with a 16” barrel, two-point sling, side ejecting adapter and Vortex Optics XM-157 FCS. [*][color=#FF7800]H&K USP Expert:[/color] Chambered in 9x19 mm and fitted with a red dot sight. Suppressor ready. [*][color=#FF7800]M25 ISABS:[/color] A revived and modernized version of the XM 25 semi-automatic grenade launcher fed from five round magazines, fitted with a two-point sling and an attachment connecting the weapon to the wielder’s helmet, allowing him to see the shot's trajectory on his HUD for easier aiming. Ebrima carries a mix of HE airburst and thermobaric rounds, plus one magazine of breaching rounds. [*][color=#FF7800]Ghurka Kukri:[/color] A military Kukri Ebrima pulled off a Ghurka he killed in Myanmar. [/list] [color=#FF7800][b]Equipment:[/b][/color][list] [*]2x flashbang [*]2x smoke grenade [*]IFAK [*]Backup NVGs (night operations only) [*]Jump Pack [*]Arm-mounted PDA [*]Analog watch [*]Trickster Drones - Near-silent hexrotor drones with a speaker and holographic projector capable of generating photorealistic images. Mostly used them to create illusory copies of Ebrima and other Raven operatives to draw fire, but the sky is the limit. Three carried. [*]Scouter Drones - Hexrotor drones meant to provide ISR, capable of being remote controlled by any Raven operative. Two carried. [/list] [color=#FF7800][b]Hobbies:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=#FF7800]Cooking[/color] - Having learned to cook while looking after his sister, Ebrima kept up a useful hobby, collecting recipes from every corner of the world his life took him to. [*][color=#FF7800]Motorsports[/color] - From grand tourers to open wheelers, as long as it’s double-track. Will happily argue for hours with any fool who claims that Oscar Piastri isn’t, in fact, the undisputed king of racecraft. [*][color=#FF7800]Scale Models[/color] - Owns a hoard of display models of various scales and subjects. With a more permanent base, now actually has a place to build and put them all. [*][color=#FF7800]Speculative Fiction[/color] - A fan of spy thrillers in particular, having recently discovered the treasure trove that is Tom Clancy’s work. [/list] [color=#FF7800][b]Likes:[/b][/color][list] [*]Cocoa. [*]Metal and orchestral music. [*]Animals. [*]Rain. [/list] [color=#FF7800][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color][list] [*]Unreliability. [*]White lies. [*]Vegetarian substitutes. [*]Cold. [/list] [/hider]