Grunthor gave the other Runt a slightly agitated look. [color=red]"I'm aware my skill set is limited. I focused heavily on boxing with a side of kickboxing to the point I got into the pro's. As an adult I could probably beat every other adult orc in hand to hand."[/color] He grunted a bit defensively as the other Runt hammered on the bubbly outcropping with the handle of the stone knife. Smart, no point destroying a weapon if you didn't have a back-up one. From the group he had been with there hadn't been much focus on modern education. Esfir seemed like a survivalist and Akeno felt like she had focused on martial arts as much as he had focused on boxing and kickboxing. But who knew how many other Runts were like him and the nameless one. Said Runt asked if he met Bowbh. [color=red]"No, because I haven't gone in and I left immediately. I need to hunt something to bring back, remember?"[/color] Grunthor questioned. Maybe he'd get bonus points if it was a Spider? Catching the ore chunk he tucked it into his Stone Slime Sack while the unnamed pointed their torch further into the cave. [color=red]"Makes sense making it safe for us to return to. If none of the others know about it it could turn into something useful for us. Like armor and proper weapons not made of stone or soft wood."[/color] He replied before gesturing for him to go first since he had the light source. When they got moving he made sure to keep his spiked club at the ready to smash an enemies face in. The limited spikes were on the part that would make contact first just to give it that extra kick.