[color=#0096FF]"Regardless who's throwing you off Ryder still has some affect on you -beside the point is if it's intentional or not."[/color] [color=#DAA06D]"And how will it come off if I leave now? It's not serious enough that I need to. . .and if we want Ryder to trust us it has to go both ways. I at least want to explain this to her. [i]She[/i] might be the one who'd feel more comfortable with me being anywhere else, if I can't control entering her mind."[/color] [color=#0096FF]"If she doesn't take that as some convenient excuse."[/color] [color=#DAA06D]"There's some part of her that recognizes we're not her enemies. . .Consider what she [i]didn't[/i] do to you and Charles,"[/color] Jean looked as straight into his eyes as she could with a visor inbetween -he wasn't wearing his off-duty glasses, [color=#DAA06D]"or to all of us since she's been here, if she has been awake enough to do anything."[/color] Scott couldn't argue with that. [color=#DAA06D]"If the truth is going to backfire, I don't believe it will be anything we can't walk away from then."[/color] [hr] [color=#7393B3]"Quite so,"[/color] Xavier responded, heavily, to Ryder's allusion of the biotech in her brain. She was completely correct in assuming the X-Men knew about this. Medical scans had been performed as soon as possible, and though they couldn't identify [i]precisely what[/i] was in the centre of Ryder's mind, there was just-discernably [i]something[/i] unnatural there. Much too deep to consider removal unless they wanted to obliterate her life via doing so to her brain. Of course there was the concern of what whole purpose did it serve? Augmenting her powers the X-Men could surmise. If there was anything else, they accepted the risk. They at least felt reasonably confident "anything else" didn't include some failsafe of the explosive kill switch variety, or at least didn't feel in danger of it being set off while she was here, or it likely would've been already. If Umbra hadn't seemed authentically determined to keep Ryder under wraps, and recover her, the X-Men might've suspected her as a plant; a walking surveillance camera. More than a few people might like eyes-in on X-HQ, after all. Xavier turned to observe the first non-field interaction between Ryder and one of his X-Men. Beast retracted his unshaken hand, noting how Ryder had backed away, and mentally chastised himself for incorrectly prioritizing friendly manners over boundaries. Though she had returned the courtesy of her name, without snark, which felt like something. Of course the man who shared her genes hadn't expected her to make verbal share of his last name. [b][color=#4169E1]"Vibranium, you say?"[/color] [/b]He cupped his chin in his hand. [b][color=#4169E1]"I haven't come across that in either life or literature. I wonder how Umbra had? It must hold some value."[/color][/b] At this point he was thinking out loud more than conversing. [color=#7393B3]"While you, no doubt, figure out if it does my friend, we have a tour to continue."[/color] For now, Xavier cast aside some of the weight of his feelings. [b][color=#4169E1]"Very well. Until our next encounter then, Ryder."[/color][/b] Beast said cordially before walking off, at which point he could be heard musing to himself, [b][color=#4169E1]"perhaps I have come across it, only under a different name. . .which then presents the dilemma of how would I know?"[/color][/b] Xavier then lead the way into the elevator, which in short time opened to the main floor. He rolled out and along at an easy pace as he continued: [color=#7393B3]"This floor is made up of what you could call the school proper. Most of the classrooms are on this level as well as my office, and common rooms which include the cafeteria. Incidentally, if you would like anything, we can make a stop before continuing on."[/color] At this, Xavier paused his movement.