Hmm. Hrm. Well, shit. D'you know, it's a terrible thing to learn that you've wasted your childhood? She grew up in what she realizes now was the lap of privilege--of, if not spectacular wealth, then at least the ability to pursue whatever passions she liked, enabled by the labor of dozens of deliberately unseen servitors. And not once--not once!--did she think to build a doom arena. Did Tilly build that specially for her, d'you think, or is she the kind of Azura who just keeps a doom arena on standby in the throne room? She wants to think it's the first so bad, but… Okay, so, obviously, this is bad. Not as bad as it would be if, you know, hemhm, Tilly got a taste of her own medicine, and that's [i]going[/i] to happen if she has anything to say about it, but… Underworld ghosts, huh? At least, according to philosophers. Who aren't scientists, but also are scientists really the ones to tell what a thing are, or how they work or-- I mean, it'd be great to hear what the scientists have to say about it, because she's not exactly thrilled at the implications of summoning your future ghost? Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the philosophers are right, and that they're summoning the ghost of who you become in the underworld. So, how does that work? How does the underworld know what you become? Is there just some ideal proto--posto? Posthumo?--Dyssia that lives forever in the underworld? If so, it's gonna get pretty boring to summon the same her forever, especially since either they know the outcome the first time, or they just keep summoning her until time and exhaustion change it for them. But on the other hand, how fine is the resolution on when the change happens? Does it change second to second? If she's thinking something different, does it change the outcome? The good news is, it seems she's gonna get a chance to actually study the outcome of multiple exposures. Shit. And also yay! Does she get a sword? Come on, give her a sword. No? Fuckin' assholes, the lot of you.