Even like this, it's still home. That rooftop, though warped and silent, is definitely her favorite perch to listen to a Lyrii concert. Over there, the warehouse and the workshop still reeking of ten thousand crab shells. That crunched tunnel is what's left of the alley where Daisy Sunswimmer tried to kiss her only to lose her courage at the last moment when she couldn't reach Mosaic's lips without lifting onto her toes. The crystals that had serenaded her in war are quiet now. And yet they thrive more than her Beri does, still crackling with latent power that begged to be turned into more and cleverer esoterica than had ever been seen, while all around it the true town wept. Mosaic's foot crunches through a waterlogged chair and too late notices it's the same one she'd sat in every week to drink tea on her rest day. This corridor, too, is home. This bottleneck was her fortress almost yesterday. Even this had been twisted. Even this was claimed. Now it funneled her back together with Ember and her Divers and threw strange new warriors in her face. Their smell is literally indescribable: the feathers are so soft and slick, so resistant to being coated or tainted by the world around them that they don't seem to have a scent at all. But it's not the same as the scent of a void or even the inversion of the sense. They are... cleaner than that. Only not properly clean, there's nothing soothing or calm about these Armatii. They are more like smelling... the concept a mirror. Such a determined attempt at reflection that they only thing that could be said about them is that they are there at all. Discomfiting. Even she had difficulty predicting what any of them were about to do. She can hardly blame the wolves for being flustered. Mosaic is standing at the center of a phalanx. She stands above it, in actual fact, her proud posture lifting her above the shield wall as if she expected to tower over these people who were half again her height. Nevertheless, she rises up and refuses to move. Her ears perk to full extension atop her head and radiate aggressive intent. Her teeth are bared, neither in smile or in scowl but in simple naked challenge. Her tail rises above her head only to crash down like a thunderbolt, over and over and over again. Her arms fold over her chest while one lethal claw taps a half remembered beat out on her elbow. She can tell. A few quick steps beyond the main thoroughfare and the [i]Slitted[/i] would open itself back up to her. Beri would wave her a melancholy farewell and her skin would finally stop burning with the twin senses of regret and failure. The Silver Divers would spread and conquer as she'd originally bid them. The Crystal Knight's scent and sound patterns would float above all this noise and there would be nothing to this other than to stroll to her and hunt for her skull. Wasn't she the one who collected skulls? Or was it the other Azura, the one who actually lived on Bitemark and only asked for quality wrestlers once or twice a year? Does it even matter, when she's locked behind a vault with no opening? The irritation in Mosaic's body becomes tension. The tension is good. The tension keeps her foolishly erect and full of murderous intent. They lift her above the battle. Above the [i]Slitted[/i] Above even Beri. They rob the twitch from her muscles and the fire from her joints. She has power, here. She is power, here. The Hero of Beri has prepared her town for one final battle, and she stands again on the ramparts. In control. "This stone is where your phalanx fell apart," she tells the Silver Divers with a devil's smile, "Just there, where that left one is standing is where I sent you tumbling into the nets of my people. To your right we built traps into the warehouse we never even wound up needing. That was the heart of your defeat. Beri swallowed you, and now you stand in its throat. "If you are Daughters of Ceron... no. If you are [i]mine[/i], then howl! Take your spears and stab your way out of this place that devoured you. Last time you were conquerors turned pets, but today I welcome you home. Wolves of Beri, taste no second defeat. These dipshits? They're [i]tourists[/i]. Con artists. Gimmick mongers. Eat their legs! Make them kiss these stones that still remember your scent! If you can't out think them, surely you can out stupid them instead. Let our home do the rest." Her voice washes over them as a river's would. She makes no move to join them, but she shines on each of them as the ribbons flutter in her hair. She is moonlight. She is inevitability. She is the promise of redemption. See how she gestures, and leaves the fight to trusted allies? Her strength is your reserve. Do not think for a moment that it is already spent. ...She dares to stretch her neck and let it pop. Relief almost undoes the hard work of her posture. Soon she'll scream, or she'll collapse into the water. Soon she'll clutch at limbs and squeeze them until the shaking stops. But not now. Not now. Not. now.