It seemed that there was more “decorating” of the nearby tree to be done, since Barracker and James brought over the ringleader of the assault to join his underlings in captivity. Adam nodded, knowing the wisdom of keeping someone who could cast spells unable to attack anyone, but this wasn't the average cultist. So before the Druid proceeded, he searched the evil man, taking away any possessions he might have had. Whatever it was, George would no longer be able to use any of it to escape or commit more acts of evil. Instead, his only commitment would be to staying securely bound to the oak tree, with the red-eyed man being even more thorough than he had been with the others to ensure there was no escape. Once that was settled, Adam returned his attention to the team to learn about the man that MacKensie had brought to them. It seemed like Hardul wasn't with the cult, but after what had just happened the nature magic user was a little skeptical. When Fenna suggested her idea, the Druid expressed support for it. “Makes sense to me. If he turns out to be with the cult, he won't be able to hurt us, and if not he'll be safe.” Looking around and spotting some out-of-the-way bushes, the youngest member of Second Chance guided Hardul towards them. “Sorry about this,” the nature magic user told the dwarf, “but this will keep you safe.” After growing a small tree inside the bush with a thick root system to secure Hardul, he subtly grew the shrubbery, not so that it would be larger but so there would be more leaves for concealment. With his task done, Adam returned to the team ready for what would happen next.