[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3YdqYf1.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0zvnz6I.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Breakthrough[/b][/center][hr] [i]Komatsu Bay[/i]: [@PaulHaynek] [@The Irish Tree](Lili) [@Crowvette] [@Restalaan](Skars)[hr] Shizuka's gambit worked, albeit not quite as he intended. Skarsneek no longer had to worry about the lightning attack, as Io had siphoned enough chi from the warlock to disrupt it completely. He was still hit with the wind blade, which sent him tumbling back and, more importantly, sliced his staff in two. Shizuka gracefully hopped back over to Skarsneek with Io in tow. [color=royalblue]"Apologies for the brusque snatch."[/color] He said, [color=royalblue]"But, these fools like to self-destruct when pressed against the wall. I was almost on the receiving end of one of their suicidal gambits."[/color] He turned to her for a moment, thinking he heard he say something, but focused on the task at hand for now. Having set her down, he starred down their foe. [color=royalblue]"Using the last of your chi for a final assault? You Varjan bastards are always so foolish."[/color] Shizuka said, joining Skarsneek in an exchange of insults. He saw that his comrade decided to meet Merneptah in a head on clash. It seemed reckless at first, especially considering that the goblin's crude weapons were hardly a match for magical blades. But, Shizuka knew that Skarsneek was more clever than that. He guessed he was likely making an opening for them to capitalize on, one he would take full advantage of. Io snapped back to it and conjured some barriers to defend her teammates, though, the goblin and he had different plans. [color=royalblue]"Io-san, cover Skars-san for me while I back him up. I'm trying to keep this warlock idiot alive, but the ass is making it difficult. I have questions and I want answers."[/color] He said to his lich comrade. He placed his sword back in its sheath and removed it from his side, holding it in his hand. [color=royalblue]"For example."[/color] He started at Merneptah. [color=royalblue]"Who is Lord Serek'uar? Is he the one leading this bloody invasion of these lands? Where is he keeping Lord Oja and what are his plans? Speak, wretch, and I [i]might[/i] let you live a bit longer!"[/color] To further hammer home his point, Shizuka vanished from view and then appeared behind the warlock. He then prepared to strike with his [[b]Sōnamisen: Ikazuchi[/b]] technique - a two step variable attack that took advantage of a parry opponent. Shizuka fully expected that when he slammed his sheathed sword into Merneptah he would parry the blow. That's when we would make the second strike - a lightning-infused slash that would hopefully incapacitate him enough to where the fight ended. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cDfjYN0.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/0u0wcUo.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NporBQG.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Second Chance[/b][/center][hr] [i]Fort Tanabe[/i]: [@PaulHaynek] [@Restalaan](Grin)[hr] With her undead strength, Hinami had no issues in crushing the wardogs that were sent after her and Lady Kikyo. After that, Kikyo (with a rather rude maneuver) and Gringor had make quick work of the remaining Varjan brutes headed their way. Eventually, the fighting died down and a cheer from the freed prisoners signaled that they and the taskforce had taken the fort. Hinami went over to Gringor and made a cute victory sign with a wide smile. Her smile soon faded when she noticed Kikyo coming over to them with a grim expression. Apparently, the prisoners they freed were actually treated as though they were actual...people? Hinami put a finger on her cheek and stared up at the sky for a moment, thinking. [color=7bcdc8]"I think my nee-san calls it reverse...psy-chology?"[/color] She studded out, as if saying a word she wasn't familiar with. [color=7bcdc8]"It's where you act the opposite of how you normally would towards a person to get them to do what you want! My nee-san always did it when clients didn't pay a good enough fee for our services!"[/color] She looked over at Gringor, a bit upset by his words. [color=7bcdc8]"Hey, don't be a meanie! Just because they couldn't win doesn't make them losers! I'm sure they did their best!"[/color] She scolded him. Meanwhile, Atsuha was tending to Takeshi's wounds. Her spell was more than enough to slay the rest of the attack hounds and assist the young lord. [color=9e0b0f]"Honestly, you're always so reckless. You're well being is important for the survival of these lands, plus you should respect that it's our [b]job[/b] to look after you!"[/color] She scolded him. [color=9e0b0f]"Oh, I'm perfectly fine. My body isn't like yours anymore, the carapace that covers my legs is tougher than skin and flesh."[/color] She said, answering his next question. [color=9e0b0f]"I believe the prisoners were more considered about staying alive than concerning themselves with little ol' me."[/color] Decided that she had done a good enough job patching Takeshi's wounds, she got up and looked over at the others. [color=9e0b0f]"Though, oddly enough, the prisoners didn't seem worse for the wear. Given the Varjan's track record, you'd think they be covered in wounds and on the verge of starvation..."[/color]