Update for the factions. Don't have the time for today, but I want to bang out the last three before the year's up like I said. Might not work out exactly, but they should be out give or take a day or so. Anyway, hope you guys have a great rest of the year and I'll get back to you soon (for real this time). Take care.[hr]
[center][h2][u]     Stampede     [/u][/h2]For every good and upstanding crowd who's recognized that potential dangers can lie in even the smallest of shadows, that the glare of the Sun is a warning and [i]not[/i] a challenge, that if the tide is scared enough to run away from the shore then obviously it knows something they don't, and that fortune favors those who take the road well traveled, there's at least one who dares to be different. Where some see the terrifyingly uncertain unknown, [i]they[/i] see opportunity, opportunity to discover not just more about the world around them, but also their own limits, all the while helping their fellow pokémon in places where a helping hand is otherwise hard to come by. These are the very sort that Stampede have opened its doors to since all the way back in its earliest days. And thanks to the influx of bright eyed adventurers within the last several years, there's never been a better time to join your local affiliated guild, get out there, and truly make your mark on the world.[/center]
[indent][hider=Sun Brigade]
[center][h2][u]     Sun Brigade     [/u][/h2]Aurora is our homeland, and we are its guardians, fated to gather together our like-minded fellows from all corners of this once peaceful haven, under one enduring banner. For too long have the elder ones among us, those who remember the time before The Eruption, lamented the very sight of our most hallowed Mantle, and it was only after the revelation of our place in the wider world, the intervention of our friends hailing from far off lands, that our bravest have been emboldened enough to pledge themselves to the noblest cause of reunification! What are the lawless? Nay what are the savage, that can possibly stand between the limitless bravery of our ranks and our glorious future!? In time, we will return to the base of the grand mountain, rebuild all that we have lost, and retake Aurora from all that would threaten its order, regardless of [i]who[/i] they used to be. The honor of Aurora demands not but our undying loyalty and unyielding success![/center]
[indent][hider=Lucky Koban]
[center][h2][u]     Lucky Koban     [/u][/h2]PoKé ([sup]P[/sup]o[sup]K[/sup]é) is the lifeblood of the world, as vital to the everyday mon as water is to nature. And just as with the proper support, a tree can flourish into a mighty giant that provides shade and nourishment to all those around it, so too can the budding salesmon of our time raise their successive successes to even greater heights with the help of the most distinguished entrepreneurs of our age! Dynamic magnates in their own rights, their money is no mere means of exchange for goods and services but rather the foundation in service of the [i]greatest[/i] good, the nurturing of tomorrow's biggest ventures and visionaries. A keen business sense! A willingness to brave the raging elements in search of that all important deal! The strength of will to never give up no matter what! Where there's a will, there's a way, and where there's a way, then you can bet someone's gonna pay handsomely to get there. Yes, PoKé makes dreams into reality, and with a little luck, we can do the same for you![/center]