Sup So for a quick update: It is with a heavy heart that I must say that for personal reasons, I feel that it's best to write the Hangai sisters out of the story. They'll stay until we transition into the next act, in the meantime I'll submit my new characters here for approval. [hider=The Radiant Pontifex] [center][Youtube][/Youtube][/center] [hr][color=VIOLET][CENTER][h1]N O R N B E N E V I E N T O[/h1][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; In Pandemonium, you shall find your comfort.” [sub][color=ivory]– Apocrypha of Pandemonium, Lilith 66:13[/color][/sub] [color=violet][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][sub][b]Character Information[/b] [COLOR=IVORY] [b]Name[/b][COLOR=#FFD700] - Norn Beneviento[/COLOR] [b]Gender[/b][COLOR=#FFD700] - Female[/COLOR] [b]Race[/b][COLOR=#FFD700] - Dark Priest[/COLOR] [b]Age[/b][COLOR=#FFD700] - 28[/COLOR] [b]Class[/b][COLOR=#FFD700] - Cardinal (Iudex, i.e. [i]Judge[/i])[/COLOR] [/color][/sub][/indent] [center][color=VIOLET][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][SUB][b]Abilities[/b][/sub] [sup][color=ivory][b][i]Greater Magic Resistance[/i]:[/b] [color=FFD700]Norn’s faith and class grant her stronger resistance to magical spells and enfeebling abilities. Her faith has also afforded her a passive healing factor, restoring her wounds at a rate based on her stamina. [/color] [b][i]Monstrous Biology[/i]:[/b] [color=FFD700]While Norn may seem like a delicate flower, her standing as a powerful mamono grants her access to physical strength that surpasses the realm of normal folk. She can create craters with her fists and shatter large trees and boulders with ease. Being smacked with them doesn’t cause her to lose much stride either. [/color] [b][i]Peerless Fencer[/i]:[/b] [color=FFD700]While The Church of the Fallen God has Paladins and Dark Valkyries that serve as their defenders and enforcers, martial training and weapon mastery are not only afforded to them. As a Cardinal, Norn was expected to have a passable mastery of faith spellcasting, invocation, and swordsmanship as part of her duties. Of course, she excels in all of them to the point where she’s feared even among the Church’s strongest warrior sect. [/color] [b][i]Saintly Charisma[/i]:[/b] [color=FFD700]Norn emits the aura of a heavenly saint, and along with her bewitching beauty it causes those around her who don’t have a resistance to it to lower their guard and be at ease around her. This makes would-be enemies easier to reason with and make compromises.[/color] [b]Ars Goetia Mastery:[/b] [color=FFD700]With her station as a cardinal within the Fallen Church, Norn was extensively trained in the art of summoning demonic and angelic familiars cataloged in the Church’s grimoire, which she now has an impressive mastery of. They range from tiny wisps that provide support to her allies and the innocent, to large and frightening beasts that aid her in heated battles. [/color] [/color][/SUP][/indent] [center][color=violet][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][sub][b]Magic[/b][/sub] [sup][color=ivory][b]Faith Magic (Fell)[/b][/color] [color=FFD700][i]Purge[/i] - Minor light-based attack. Can be used on a single target or multiple foes. [i]Smite[/i] - Major light-based attack. Can also be used on single or multiple targets, but uses more mana and has longer cooldown. [i]Breath[/i] - Minor healing spell. Can be used on single or multiple targets. [i]Holy Breath[/i] - Major healing spell. Can be cast on single and multiple targets, but has higher cost and cooldown. [i]Iustitia Eternus (Eternal Justice)[/i] - a spell that allows the user to conjure chains within their vicinity. They are made of an enchanted metal that glow with a violet and golden aura. Having been made from in part demon realm silver, they naturally sap away at at human's strength and fill him with demonic mana. While these chains are mainly used to bind and subdue foes, they can also be used to latch onto and snatch other objects, and even block weak attacks. [i]Shield[/i] - Creates a field of energy that defends against physical attacks. Defends against several minor blows, or a few major ones. [i]Barrier[/i] - Creates a field of energy that defends against magical attacks. Defends against several minor spells, or a few major ones. [i]Wall[/i] - Creates a barrier that defends against both physical and magical attacks. Can defend against several major blows, but has higher cost and cooldown. Cannot be used if Shield and/or Barrier are in effect. [i]Purify[/i] - Lifts ailments and debuffs from single or multiple targets. [color=ivory][b]Ars Goetia Sorcery[/b][/color] [i]Invocation Mastery[/i] [i]Summon - Lesser Demonic Spirit[/i] - Can summon multiple, cannot use magic. [i]Summon - Greater Demonic Spirit[/i] - Can call forth some, able to use some minor attack spells. [i]Summon - High Demonic Spirit[/i] - Can summon only one at a time, able to use powerful attack spells. [i]Minor Spirit Possession[/i] - Can have a demonic spirit influence a minor foe for a brief period of time. [i]Summon - Lesser Fallen Spirit[/i] - Can summon multiple, cannot use magic. [i]Summon - Greater Fallen Spirit[/i] - Can summon some, able to use minor faith spells. [i]Summon - High Fallen Spirit[/i] - Can summon only one at a time. Able to use major faith-based spells. [/color][/sup][/indent] [center][color=violet][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][SUB][b]Equipment[/b][/sub] [sup][color=ivory][b]Weapon[/b] [COLOR=#FFD700][i]Benedictus Ultor[/i] - A sacred weapon that is given only to high level officials within the Pandemonium Church. Outwardly, it has the appearance of an ornate scepter, its handle and shaft embroidered with linings of gold and gemstones. However, the shaft is actually a sheath that houses a consecrated blade that fully exemplifies the justice of the Fallen Church. The sword is made of a special alloy consisting of Demon Realm silver and adamantine crystal; while the blade, of course, won’t injure flesh, it is sharp enough to seamlessly cut through any steel. The blade’s unique color is caused by the oversaturation of fell energy it is seeped with.[/COLOR] [hider=Benedictus Ultor] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Cardinal Robes[/b] [color=FFD700]Garb given to members of the Fallen Clergy. Due to her high rank, Norn has the freedom to be more creative with her uniform, and thus chose to make it a striking white color. It comes complete with a mitre.[/color] [b]Fell Apocrypha, Tome of the Fallen Scriptures[/b] [color=FFD700]A copy of the consecrated text detailing the teachings of Pandemonium. All priests are required to carry a tome wherever they go.[/color] [hider=Fell Apocrypha] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]The Lesser Key of Solomon[/b] [color=FFD700]Also known as the "Ars Theurgia Goetia", this tome is a powerful grimoire that grants it's user access to various forms of fallen magics. Most notably, it contains a compendium of 72 demonic/angelic familiars that the user is able to call forth to enact their will. It is said that this tome was originally used by an ancient western king who used the power of the summons to unite his lands and give his people the first instance of magecraft, intending that they and the summons continue to defend humanity upon his death. Many clerics and unholy warriors of the Fallen Church follow this doctrine wholeheartedly; they use the Ars Goetia to aid any and all people on their pilgrimage. All current versions of this tome in circulation are considered copies of the original text, which is believed to have been lost to time.[/color] [hider=Tome of the Ars Goetia] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Asmodeus[/b] [color=FFD700]Norn's favorite summon is a large, ghastly creature known as Asmodeus, a high demonic spirit which allows her to take to the skies with its impressive wingspan; She can provide air support, perform reconnaissance, or use him as a quicker method of travel. With his hulking, scaly body, huge claws, sharp teeth, and dark flames, he makes for a fearsome ally in combat as well.[/color] [hider=Asmodeus] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Miscellaneous[/b] [color=FFD700]Pandemonium Lockett - A trinket that serves shows the insignia of the Fallen Church, confirming one's membership to the general eye. Alchemic and healing salves Emergency Provisions[/color] [/color][/SUP][center][color=violet][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][/indent][/cell] [cell][sub]A P P E A R A N C E[/sub] [color=#FFD700][indent]Norn is a beautiful and young-looking woman with the face of a saint. Standing around 5'7", she is an above average height for a woman, but possesses no real sensitivity on the subject. Her long, flowing white hair ends in violet colored tips and nearly reach down to her hips. That along with her eyes that glow with a golden and fuchsia hue, give Norn both a bewitching and eerie aura to those around her. The warm smile that she often wears on her faces tends to put those around her at ease, although even that might wear off as they eventually find out that said smile rarely goes away - whether the situation calls for it or not. As she is a mamono, Norn is indeed a gorgeous individual, her formal robes do little to hide her shapely figure. She wears standard saint garb attire, complete with elaborate embroidered designs. However, as if to contrast with the peers, Norn's uniform is almost pure white as opposed to the standard dark colors the fallen priests usually dress in. Ends of Norn's dress are lined with gold sigils and purple borders, allowing herself to often be mistaken outwardly as a member of the Holy Order's religious sect, at least to those without a careful eye or without the ability to sense demonic energy. She is not often seen without her ornate staff. Most would think it's just a scepter that's used as a conduit for channeling fallen energy or a sacred relic symbolic of her station, and they wouldn't be necessarily wrong. However, it holds another hidden meaning that one meeting her on the battlefield should be more mindful of. [/indent][/color] [sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub] [color=#FFD700][indent]Norn, as her station would suggest, maintains a poised and serious disposition whilst conducting herself on business. However, during interims of respite, she tends to act motherly and gentle toward common folk and allies, enjoying to partake in leisurely activities with friends to raise spirits and morale. Many would describe her as being kind-hearted to a fault, having a near bottomless amount of patience and rarely becoming overly upset or angered. Many are drawn to her due to her natural charm and eloquent manner of speech. This, oddly, doesn’t change even while confronting enemies. Whether it be the most vile fiend or just a poor soul committing a minor offense, she will approach said criminal and inform them that she will bear the brunt of their sins and allow them to be judged by the Goddess. In her eyes, all souls deserve to be judged in a fair manner, no matter the severity of their crimes. There are always exceptions to every rule, of course. While on the battlefield, Norn displays a guile and taciturn deadliness that befits her station as a judge of the Fallen Church. Many foes have been felled by her sacred blade, her earlier warmness vanishing and replaced by the menace of a seasoned warrior. True to her station and nature, she never quiets in regards to educating all in the teachings of The Fallen Church. She never hesitates to lecture people she comes across with a proverb or verse from the Unholy book, speaking in a gentle yet stern tone, as if playing at being a school teacher. [/indent][/color][/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR][sub][color=violet]B A C K G R O U N D[/color][/sub] [color=#FFD700][indent] Norn Benviento is a Cardinal in service to the Church of Pandemonium, having attained the rank due to her exemplary service and dedicated work ethic. Her station dictates that she venture around the world to select locations and spread the good word of the Fallen Church to recruit more followers to the light. They also settle disputes among the populace and promote peace, even offering their services toward up and coming Demon Realms. If necessary, she will also lend her blade to a just cause in order to defend the innocent and supporters of the new creed that the current Demon Lord has mandated. Her prowess would eventually lead to her earning the name of [i]Iudex[/i] (Judge). One of the many clerks that make up the Fallen Church's legislation office had received a letter from Zipangu one day, a fact that came as a shock to the workers as followers of Pandemonium weren't exactly numerous within the eastern isles. The contents detailed the events of what would eventually lead to a full scale invasion of a small territory in that region. One that would be carried out by Varjo; Due to the nature and severity of the letter, it would eventually gain the attention of Norn herself. At the mention of Varjo’s name, even Norn couldn’t help but grit her teeth, the Fallen Church has had several instances of conflict against their barbarity. Norn decided that she would personally honor the request of this…Lady Kyouko in Zipangu, and do what she could to quell the seeds of war in this small remote region. Who knows, perhaps she could guide their souls to the light of Pandemonium. [/indent][/color][hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] CV: [url=]Mela Lee[/url] [/hider] [hider=The Wayward Royal] [hr][color=STEELBLUE][CENTER][h1]I N E S S A V O N Z A U B E R H E I M[/h1][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [color=palegoldenrod]“The kingdom my bloodline originates from is barely a memory in the span of history. The mad armada that threatens various lands built their empire upon the destruction of that realm of old. My dream of restoration may just be that, but unlike some, I am a dreamer of the day. One that will make that dream a reality.”[/color] [color=steelblue][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][sub][b][color=steelblue]Character Information[/color][/b] [COLOR=STEELBLUE] [b]Name[/b][COLOR=palegoldenrod] - Inessa von Zauberheim[/COLOR] [b]Gender[/b][COLOR=palegoldenrod] - Female[/COLOR] [b]Race[/b][COLOR=palegoldenrod] - Human[/COLOR] [b]Age[/b][COLOR=palegoldenrod] - 20[/COLOR] [b]Class[/b][COLOR=palegoldenrod] - Hero (Rune Fencer)[/COLOR] [/color][/sub][/indent] [center][color=STEELBLUE][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][SUB][b][color=steelblue]Abilities[/color][/b][/sub] [sup][color=steelblue][b][i]Zauberheim Royal Blood[/i]:[/b] [color=palegoldenrod] Being a descendant of the royal family of the forgotten kingdom, and thanks to her rigorous training, Inessa has been blessed with physical and magical limits that far surpass what one would expect from run-of-the-mill folk. She can easily wield weapons that are difficult to hold with two hands with just one. Despite her young age, she has more than earned her rank of hero. Her strength and agility have been pushed to terrifying extremes, allowing her to fight on par even with mamono who are in the upper echelon of power. [/color] [b][i]Superb Leadership[/i]:[/b] [color=palegoldenrod] With her natural insight, resourcefulness, and sharp decision-making, Inessa showcased all the makings of a leader even at a young age. With her natural charisma, she has an effect of inspiring others to join her while in the fray, bolstering their fighting spirits. [/color] [b][i]Expert Rune Knight[/i]:[/b] [color=palegoldenrod] Inessa has been trained in the art of both swords and spearmanship, wielding both weapons to deadly effect. In addition, she has been blessed with her bloodline's innate talent for magical arts. She casts powerful fire and lightning based spells that further compliment her martial prowess. Of course, she also has a talent for riding and combating while riding a mount. [/color] [b][i]Masterful Diplomat, Royal Etiquette[/i]:[/b] [color=palegoldenrod]In her efforts to build a force that can one day retake her ancient homeland, Inessa has developed powerful skills of negotiation and building relations with other nations and peoples. In addition, while not officially a noble heir, she has been thoroughly trained in the ways of noble social obligations. [/color] [b][i]Master Rider[/i]:[/b] [color=palegoldenrod]Inessa has attainted a mastery of mount riding and combat that far exceeds her peers. Her favorite mount is a pegasus she has affectionately named Wayu, and thus brings her on most sorties and scouting missions.[/color] [/color][/SUP][/indent] [center][color=steelblue][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][sub][b][color=steelblue]Magic[/color][/b][/sub] [sup][color=steelblue][b]Thor's Lightning[/b][/color] [b][color=palegoldenrod]Lightning Manipulation[/color][/b] [color=palegoldenrod][i]Mjolnir Strike[/i] - Wields the royal family's lightning to deadly effect. The Zauberheim lightning is stronger than its standard counterpart and is harder to counter with its weaknesses. [i]Blitzwulf[/i] - Inessa is able to shape her conjured lightning into the shape of a large wolf. It can act under orders or autonomously, though it becomes weaker in the case of the latter. [i]Lightning Cloak[/i] - Inessa can also cost her weapons and even herself with her lightning element, giving her attacks an added devastating shock. [i]Lightning Step[/i] - A signature technique of the Royal line, Inessa is able to cloak herself in lightning and severely increase her agility. She can, quite effectively, move at the speed of a bolt of lightning. She runs circles around her opponents, leaving them confused and dazed, and also doubles as an invaluable evasion tool. [color=steelblue][b]Surtr's Flame[/b][/color] [b][color=palegoldenrod]Fire Manipulation[/color][/b] [i]Ifrit's Wrath[/i] - Inessa deftly wields intense flames that burn hotter and more strongly than your standard fare. [i]Flammevogel[/i] - Inessa can shape her flames to conjure an avian familiar. In addition to being an aid during combat, they can also act as effective scouts. [i]Flame Cloak[/i] - Like with lightning, Inessa can also cloak herself and her weapons in fiery magic, giving herself a searing touch when fighting. [/color][/sup][/indent] [center][color=steelblue][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][SUB][b][color=steelblue]Equipment[/color][/b][/sub] [sup][color=steelblue][b]Weapons[/b] [COLOR=palegoldenrod][i]Luin Albiyo (Lance of the Heavens)[/i] - While much of the regalia of the Razelian Royal Family has long been lost to time, thanks to the connections the family's supporters have garnered she has gained access to a powerful polearm weapon. It is a lance consecrated from greater elements, and is able to freely channel magic through its material. She wields it to deadly effect, using its power and range to full advantage with bludgeoning and thrusting techniques that leave her opponents skewered and broken. She also proudly brandishes a flag on the polearm that has been decorated with the Razelian family symbol. While it may be unknown to the modern age, she will ensure that its former glory is one day restored.[/COLOR] [color=palegoldenrod][i]Moniyos Solas (Sword of the Mountain)[/i] - A regal sword that's sharp enough to cut through diamond, thanks to its enchanted steel. Made in the same vein as her lance, she wields both in battle with grace and precision befitting a royal heir. She parries and relievers blindly fast slashes with the blade, leaving her opponents little opening to defend.[/color] [b]Outfit[/b] [color=palegoldenrod][i]Enchanted Armor[/i]Inessa has been outfitted with armor, not only useful for its remarkable craftsmanship, but also for the sorcery it has been imbued with. Like her weapons, it was made to be one with the elements, giving her a boosted defense against magical attacks. The armor is strong but light, being able to properly defend against physical weapons while still allowing her to move with a nimble step. Underneath her armor, Inessa wears a blue form-fitting dress that’s designed for ease of movement along with a white blouse top. [color=steelblue][b]Mount[/b][/color] [color=palegoldenrod] Wayu:[/color] [hider=A Faithful Companion] [img][/img] [/hider] A majestic winged horse that serves as Inessa's noble steed. With her impressive wingspan, Wayu allows Inessa to sail gracefully in the skies, giving her a bird's eye view of her surroundings. She has also been outfitted with armor fare to further aid her master in combat, complete with a long horn on the helmet accessory. As the creature itself is inherently magical, Inessa can cloak both herself and her steed in her elemental spells, making them a duo force to be feared on the battlefield. [color=steelblue][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/color] [color=palegoldenrod]Alchemic and healing salves Emergency Provisions Compass Grail Locket - A blessed item that was given to Inessa by a powerful ally upon achieving the rank of hero. It is a rare accessory that grants her resistance to most physical, mental, and spiritual debuffs.[/color] [/color] [/color][/SUP][center][color=steelblue][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][/indent][/cell] [cell][sub]A P P E A R A N C E[/sub] [color=palegoldenrod][indent]Inessa is a young woman with rather striking features. Her intense training has given her a well-toned and fit body. Though she only stands at around 5’5’’, this does little to put her at a disadvantage against more fearsome looking foes. Showcasing her lineage on full display, she has notable blonde flowing hair along with deep azure pupils. Her face gives off the youthful and lady-like fare you’d expect from a girl her age, which does much to belie her prowess and standing on the field of battle. She can also be a very expressive girl, and when someone comes to know her well enough they can often find ways to make her quite flustered. People often say how her cheeks become red like tomatoes when embarrassed, much to her chagrin. [/indent][/color] [sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub] [color=palegoldenrod][indent] At her core, Inessa is a bright and passionate woman. Full of kindness and virtue, she always strives to do right by others, especially those who also display good natures. Although, she can actually be quite competitive, which can perhaps be a trait that she inherited from her ancestors, who always strived to achieve the pinnacles of magic and martial prowess. While on the battlefield, what was once a youthful and earnest young girl becomes a battle-hardened and seasoned warrior who leads the charge with a dauntless mind and calm surety. But when off, Inessa is quite approachable and sociable, and enjoys talking with new people. Razelia was a kingdom that embodied the aspect of cultural integration and furthering knowledge with new experiences, so she of course wants to fully embody those concepts. However, on the inverse, she is still a young woman with a huge chip on her shoulder. Inessa has been raised on stories of Zauberheim’s former glory and how the throne was wrongfully taken from her lineage. Her drive to achieve justice for her family and to do right by her allies often causes her to be overly critical of herself. Quick to take penance, her actions can even be considered a form of martyrdom when looked at from an outside eye. [/indent][/color][/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR][sub][color=steelblue]B A C K G R O U N D[/color][/sub] [color=palegoldenrod][indent] Inessa von Zauberheim is a young heroine who was born into the formerly royal bloodline of the Zauberheim family. This family ruled the now ancient realm of Razelia, which was known as the Kingdom of Magic, before having the throne usurped by Varjan Caldeyron. This same man would eventually take over all of Razelia and thus usher in what is now known as the Varjo Empire. Before this point, the princess of the realm was Lisianthus von Zauberheim, Inessa’s ancestor. Though the throne along with the entire kingdom was lost, members of the royal family still survived and went into hiding. A millennium later, Inessa was born as the current heir to the true successor to what Varjo was built from. After being raised on stories of her lost homeland and coming of age, she went through rigorous training to achieve the rank of hero status and gather support from any corner of the world she could find it in. With her connections, she has been keeping a close eye on the various movements of the Varjan horde. Eventually, she learned of their attack on the Zipangunese land of Shizuyama. One of her contacts told her of a mysterious Inari woman who was garnering support for a war effort to push back the impending Varjan horde at their doorstep. Upon hearing this, Inessa decided to go herself and offer her support. However, there was also a double meaning to investigate what amounts to an old wives tale at this point. One of the stories of Razelia she was often told growing up was that a sword saint from Zipangu had been the one who led the surviving members of the royal family to safety after the fall of the kingdom. His exact name wasn’t known, but his moniker was that of the azure swordsman. Inessa hopes to find any clues that may lead to her finding a possible descendant or someone of equal standing from these lands to recruit to her cause. [/indent][/color][hr] CV: [url=]Erica Lindbeck[/url] Character Theme: [Youtube][/Youtube] [/hider]