[b]Notice:[/b] Inactive. Player resigned. [hider=Remilia Scarlet] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3A3RnaS.png[/img] [h3][b][color=d9457c]R[/color]EMILIA[/b] [b][color=d9457c]S[/color]CARLET[/b][/h3] [b][i][color=d9457c]The Scarlet Devil[/color][/i][/b] [/center] [indent][hider=Theme] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRNdW5bI7GM[/youtube][/center] [/hider] [color=d9457c][b]UNIVERSE OF ORIGIN:[/b][/color] [indent]Touhou Project [/indent] [color=d9457c][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] [indent]Female [/indent] [color=d9457c][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Visual References][center]Standing Profile [img]https://i.imgur.com/ccVyg1o.png[/img] [/center][/hider] Standing at just around 130cm (4'3") with a petite, undeveloped build, Remilia the Scarlet Devil superficially appears like a young girl no older than ten winters, however, between her blood-red slitted eyes, glinting sharp fangs, and chiropteran wings sprouting from her back, it becomes immediately clear that she's no mere human. Within the context of her home universe, she's a 'vampire', sharing the term with the likes of Count Dracula, however, her kind is more accurately youkai rather than undead, made evident by her possessing a pale but otherwise healthy complexion, a living body with a functional heart, and definitely most importantly, a reflection in the mirror. Biologically immortal as it's common with youkai-kin, Remilia is a quincentennial despite what her outward appearance may suggest. [/indent] [color=d9457c][b]EQUIPMENT:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=d9457c]❖[/color] [b]Garb of the Scarlet Devil:[/b] [indent]Due to the abrupt nature of her exodus into the universe of Cerennia, the otherwise affluent Scarlet Devil didn't manage to bring anything other than the clothes she was already wearing on her person; her signature light pink frilly dress and matching bonnet. Other than being magically enchanted to self-clean and self-repair by her librarian - Patchouli Knowledge - for Remilia's convenience, they're nothing more than ordinary apparel. [/indent] [/indent] [color=d9457c][b]ABILITIES:[/b][/color] [indent]For reasons unknown even to herself, Remilia's sudden egress from Gensokyo to this strange unknown universe carried such a severe backlash to her very soul that she's effectively crippled, at least when compared to her former self. Due to being one of the most powerful youkai from a universe full of overwhelmingly powerful entities where even gods are merely considered just as another sapient species, the Scarlet Devil is still a formidable individual even after having lost much of her might. As such, the abilities listed below reflect her [i]post-isekai[/i] incarnation: [/indent] [indent] [color=d9457c]❖[/color] [b][i]Imperfect[/i] Superhuman Vessel:[/b] [indent]Being a powerful youkai, it's to be expected that feats of mundane physical nature are well within her repertoire. Though enfeebled, Mistress Remilia's body is still far stronger, faster, and sturdier than the average human. This is also true for her senses, especially that of sight, smell, and hearing. Still, whereas before she could go toe-to-toe with a powerful goddess, tear through the hide of mythical beasts with ease, and move faster than the untrained eye can glimpse, now, she can “only” punch through a stone wall at most and even then not without effort. [/indent] [color=d9457c]❖[/color] [b][i]Flawed[/i] Healing Factor:[/b] [indent]In her full splendor, Lady Remilia's body heals rapidly enough that most wounds are considered superficial for her and short of outright disintegration on the cellular level, she can eventually regenerate as if nothing happened. In Cerennia, only skin-deep damages are considered superficial while more grievous injuries such as deep lacerations and dismemberment will need anywhere from hours to days depending on the severity. [/indent] [color=d9457c]❖[/color] [b][i]Exiguous[/i] Haemomancy:[/b] [indent]One of The Scarlet Devil's signature powers and arguably the more well-known of the two. From conjuring massive amounts of blood-red projectiles, launching the all-piercing Gungnir the Blood Spear, and even blanketing the whole of Gensokyo in a sun-snuffing opaque mist, the latter which came to be infamously known as the "Scarlet Mist Incident'', Remilia's mastery over Haemomancy - Blood Magic - is peerless in her home universe, and while there are arguably more powerful individuals in terms of raw power such as her younger sister, Flandre Scarlet, there’s no other person in Gensokyo more capable of Blood Magic than Mistress Remilia. Alas, even this aspect of her arsenal wasn't exempted from the all-encompassing vitiation, taking the form of a massive reduction in the quality and quantity of her haemomantic feats. [/indent] [color=d9457c]❖[/color] [b]Fate [i]Ab[/i]-Manipulation:[/b] [indent]The lesser known sibling of Remilia's signature powers, it's said that through the combination of clairvoyance and minor influence over 'reality', the Blood Mistress is able to pluck the 'strings' of fate, subtly manipulating the outcomes of events in the world. In an ironic twist of fate, this esoteric power proves to be an anathema in the foreign universe she finds herself in, the ‘Powers That Be’ deemed this aspect of the Fate Seamstress to be encroaching upon their authority and thus, they neutered her. In Cerennia, Remilia is unable to access Fate Manipulation, plain and simple. [/indent] [/indent] [color=d9457c][b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b][/color] [indent] [hider=Personality] Elegant, regal, and courtly, Noblesse Oblige incarnate, Mistress Remilia the Scarlet Devil presents herself as a stereotypical specimen of West European nobility, juxtaposed anachronistically against the Sinosphere culture of the mythical lands of Gensokyo, the world which she calls home. In line with her contrasting culture, her personality can be described as a curious mix between the wizened wisdom of an ancient matriarch and the curious innocence of a young girl. A thrill-seeking puppetmistress, Remilia prefers when there are interesting events instead of mundane day-to-day life, thus, she's guaranteed to be an observer of 'incidents' in Gensokyo, if not the one causing said incident herself. Regardless, these are all done with harmless intentions as when push comes to shove such as a looming genuine threat to her friends and family, Remilia doesn't hesitate to drop all pretense of courtly elegance and treat said grave threat as it deserves. After the events of the Scarlet Mist Incident, Remilia has mellowed down somewhat, now able to appreciate the more 'mundane' things in life. However, in all her years, she has never found herself wanting for company, power, influence, and wealth; what will happen when all of those are suddenly ripped away from her? It is a story yet to be told... [/hider] [hider=Brief History] How and why the Scarlet Sisters - Remilia and Flandre - arrived at Gensokyo were never made clear, but one thing for sure, they hailed from another world. Rumors elaborated their origins as the daughters of Vlad Dracula the Impaler, the Voivode of 15th Century Wallachia, but those in the know would be able to attest that it's a complete hoax, fabricated by the Scarlet Devil herself so people would stop pestering her about their origins. Regardless, over the five centuries since they made their home in Gensokyo, the Scarlet Devil Mansion already became a landmark, a place of intrigue and mystique, an Anglo enclave in the otherwise Oriental land. Amongst its inhabitants, the grand manor hosted Lady Remilia herself as the Mistress of the House, then her little sister Young Mistress Flandre Scarlet, they're served by numerous attendants and servants, some more notable than others, in which there are three: Sakuya Izayoi the Head Maid, Hong Meiling the Gate Guardian, and Patchouli Knowledge the Chief Librarian. They lived a peaceful life... perhaps [i]too[/i] peaceful. Thus, in a show of attention-seeking hubris, Remilia instigated the Scarlet Mist Incident where she caused a Gensokyo-wide phenomenon of blanketing the sky in opaque blood-red mist, causing numerous disruptions and inconveniences to everyone else. This transgression against the natural order naturally attracted the attention of Hakurei Reimu, Shrine Maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, along with her frenemy, Kirisame Marisa, the so-called 'Ordinary Magician'. Together, the two systematically defeated Remilia and her servants, convincing the Scarlet Devil to end her shenanigans and giving her valuable life lessons in not toying with the lives of others just to satisfy her amusement. Quite some time had passed since then and interestingly enough, life at Scarlet Devil Mansion became livelier ever since with Remilia and company regularly visiting other places and being visited by others in return, the latter which included Marisa whose penchant for "unsanctioned borrowing" led her to repeatedly enter the mansion's library to "borrow" books, much to the chagrin of Patchouli. It's in one of these days that Remilia decided to toy around with the errant magus for a bit, [color=d9457c][b]"Kirisame Marisa, if you can defeat me, then you may take all the tomes and grimoires to your heart's desire, else... you must return everything that you had pilfered."[/b][/color] was what she said, little did Remilia know just what would unfold from the seemingly simple challenge... [/hider] [/indent] [color=d9457c][b]OTHER:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=d9457c]❖[/color] [b]Color Code[/b]: [color=d9457c]d9457c[/color] [color=d9457c]❖[/color] Behind her regal persona, Remilia is a curious thrill-seeker who's easily bored, to the point where she often deliberately let others scheme against her even though she's already aware of their machinations, primarily just to see what will happen. [color=d9457c]❖[/color] Unlike some oh-so-self-righteous vampires out there, Remilia has no qualms with drinking blood. Her favorite type is B or something else with a similar taste as Type B. [/indent] [/indent] [/hider]