[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230524/91458118b42d1b084bbaf3d9ea357448.png[/img][/center] The man possessed a good set of lungs, obviously. He took no pleasure in what they were doing but if this helped keep the party safe then he was more than ready to do it. Thankfully there was a positive outcome. He watched as Adam secured the prisoners and the party discussed what they had learned from the different enemies, a mole as he imagined, and the side passage that the man had blabbed about, it could be a trap but ..."The leader spoke of a passage that led directly to the Lich, I think we should pursue it as soon as we can, the sooner we defeat him the sooner we can resolve this whole situation" The blessing from Undaya had petered off at some point during the interrogation but its purpose had been fulfilled, once more helping him keep calm when the situation -and more importantly his own mind- turned for the worse. With some luck, things would prove easier if they got the drop in the Big Bad Guy they were here to slay. "You know the formation"