Due to Skarsneek story being related to Hangai sister, he'll also be retired alongside them. In turn, another character will be joining the fight. [hider=Gwendolin] Appearance: Brown hair, originally had his hair let down but after a bet, Gwendolin was forced to wear his hair into a ponytail style and forced to wear female clothing. Aside from that, he had one sword at his side. [hider=Gwendolin Before Oath] [img]https://i.imgur.com/L4otUWd.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Gwendolin After Oath] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zAdNvPk.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name[/b]: Gwendolin [b]Race[/b]: Human male (Knight) [b]Magic/Abilities/Equipment[/b]: [b]Blessing of the sun:[/b] Just like his father, Gwendolin powers waxes when the sun is at its apex and wanes afterwards during the night. The higher and brighter the sun, Gwendolin is greatly enhanced that he can equal a chosen hero or favoured the of the Demon Lord. If only for a short period of time. [b]Healing Magic:[/b] Learning the art of healing, Gwendolin is also capable of healing others at a level equivalent to a priest. This however has some knights dislike that he utilizes magic but since it’s able to help others, most keep their silence over this matter. [b]Talented:[/b] Gwendolin has trained under multiple knights as a squire and his own family had a long martial tradition as well. This has allowed him the capability of picking up sword technique simply by looking at it once. [b]Blessed body:[/b] While considered small for a Brittonian, Gwendolin physical body is still strong compared to others. [b]Single-edge blade:[/b] Wielding a normal single-edge blade due to certain circumstances, he’s still capable of bringing the weapon to its maximum power. [b]Personality:[/b] Gwendolin strives to be a paragon of knight virtues, honor, justice and protector of people. Serious and uptight, the young knight will always aimed to keep this core values even at the risk of his life. This has also been a source of consternation as one particular goblin teased him relentlessly over this, especially one particular incident. [b]Background:[/b] Gwendolin, son of the round table famous knights, Gawain, was raised and taught every aspect of being a knight and the expectation to become a Grail Knight and perhaps, succeed his father position as well. Taking to this ideal like fish to water, Gwendolin strive hard and succeeded beyond most expected. He was the youngest squire to serve under different knights, and before long, he was knighted by the King of Britton himself. Traveling around, he served the realm as the typical knight. Albeit a short one. Saving those in distress, fighting against injustice and helping the unfortunate. This has…mixed results, as more often than not, Gwendolin often has to flee those he saved. Sometimes he wondered if those damsels were even in distress. Yet, he persisted in his path. All of this came to a head when he met an unusual goblin and was dragged into an adventure that he sincerely wished hadn't got himself mixed in as it involved a tentacle forest, a convoy of prostitutes, and a donkey. Suffice to say, he was forced to dress himself in a woman’s clothing due to a vow and oath owed to that goblin. This sudden change would have him nearly excommunicated from his fellow knights but his continuous action to the Chivalric code softened the blow and was only considered foolish at best and mad at worse. Gwendolin hoped that the goblin would never call upon the oath, and for years, this proved true and he remained in correspondence with the goblin in turn. So it was with a sour face when he received the letter that had him called for the oath to help the goblin. That however evaporated when he received more information on the situation and was deadly serious as he realized this involved the Varjans. While reluctant to side with Mamono, he cannot let an injustice go unanswered. More so when this blatant invasion already had plenty of innocent dead or murdered. So quickly rendezvousing with Lady Kyouko agents first before meeting the lady herself, Gwendolin prepared to face one of his greatest trials as a Knight of Britton. [b]Favourite Monster Girl/Character:[/b] Salamander/Mersé Dascaros [/hider]