[center][h3][i]High Table Stories[/i][/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697306273531559939/1192431982202855444/Artboard_1.jpg?ex=65a90dd2&is=659698d2&hm=7dbd41abfec2cae72ac4807a24262a5bc057689fa3d24052a8a41c1ca1e55802&[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent][i]Following the death of a member of the High Table, the seat had been left open with no one set to fill it. Arriani Geverran was a fine man who valued the traditions his position championed, perhaps with more cold zeal than any other, such that many believe this characteristic may have ultimately been his undoing. The many families under him and even those unaffiliated have begun a scramble for power, killing their rivals while the High Table's remaining members began a process for deciding Arriani's successor. As each day passes, possible candidates die one by one, assassins of this dark cabal begin making a name for themselves pulling off the highest risk jobs they may ever take in their life short of defying the High Table directly. A new wave of assassins have begun. Killing for their respective factions, or a free gun to the highest bidder. The clock ticks down to deciding the successor, and not one of these factions will wait for that countdown until they are decidedly the victor. Little do they know this isn't a typical power struggle, not even on the standards of one for a seat at the High Table. [/i] [center][color=ed1c24][i]So begins a month they will remember as the 30 Red Days[/i][/color].[/center][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hider=The Frontrunner Factions] [h3][b]Vellum Society[/b][/h3] Originating from schools of philosophy and scholars of ancient Europe, the Vellum Society is known for their mastery of intelligence networks. Made up of former spy group members throughout the world, from well known ones such as the MI6 and CIA, to the lesser known or outright unknown. The Vellum Society started in the 1900s, and gained traction following WWII, having origins with resistance groups in France and Nazi Germany occupied territories. They had at first started as an esoteric group that shared valuable books and scripts, but their methods of secrecy became useful for clandestine operations too. They only became an assassin group as of the early 2000s, making them just as new as the Gunners despite having a century of history behind them. They hope to gain a seat at the High Table to deepen their influence and control over Europe. [list][*]Type: Information Brokers and Spy Faction [*]Size: Unknown[/list] [h3][b]Xuanlong[/b][/h3] A Triad branch group that has recently quickly risen in power. It is said that the head of the Xuanlong is the son of the current Triads representative at the High Table. This more shadowy leader operates very differently to their father, and seeks to create a new group with the power the High Table holds. Currently, the Xuanlong have an iron grip on South Korea, and so that is where they seek to separate themselves from the Triads. As of the untimely death Arriani, the Xuanlong have begun a bloody campaign of “cleaning South Korea”, which more accurately translates to removing any form of competition and consolidating their power, in hopes they may be picked. [list][*]Type: Asian Mafia (Korean) [*]Size: 3,000 as of 2021, numbers have risen greatly since then[/list] [h3][b]Gensai Clan[/b][/h3] The Gensais are one of the major Yakuza groups in Japan. Second only to the Yamagawa Clan, whose head has a seat on the High Table already. Ordinarily, the High Table frowns upon having multiple representatives from one crime faction at the table, however the Gensais and the Yamagawas are at odds with one another, and so an exception had been made due to the unusual circumstances. The Yamagawas control the Kansai region and all to the south, while the Gensais control primarily the Kanto region and some areas of the north. With a seat at the High Table they seek to solidify control of the north. [list][*]Type: Yakuza [*]Size: Estimated 11,000 strong with great concentration in Kanto and the northern parts of Chubu[/list] [h3][b]Gunners 606[/b][/h3] A faction whose members are always 60, with each one representing a number from 606 - 666. They're a quick and dirty, highly skilled special ops style mercenary group. A lot of their operations take place in the Middle East and other war zones all over the world, employed as mercenaries, arms dealers, hitmen, and so on. Despite being such a small number of members compared to other crime factions, they possess massive tactical knowledge, and given the backgrounds of some of their members, are capable of toppling regimes all over the world, and have even been involved in many of them. They seek a seat at the High Table to expand their operations, and even the resources to make themselves more permanent headquarters. [list][*]Type: PMC and Arms Dealers [*]Size: 60 members at all times[/list] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Alias[/b]: [i](anything else you are called)[/i] [b]Faction[/b]: [i](What group do you belong to)[/i] [b]Gender[/b]: [b]Age[/b]: [b]Appearance[/b]: [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Backstory[/b]: [u][b]COMBAT STYLE[/b][/u] [indent][b]Overview[/b]: [i](describe how you approach hostile situations in and out of combat, and the way you execute on a job)[/i] [b]Skills[/b]: [i](include the things you are broadly skilled at.)[/i] [b]Special Trait[/b]: [i](What makes you special? Marksmanship? Improvisation? Swordsmanship style? Or a form of martial arts you’re skilled at)[/i][/indent] [u][b]COMBAT SLOTS[/b][/u] [indent][b]Preferred Equipment[/b]: [i](This is for any personal/preferred armaments that you will bring on all or almost every mission. Additional armaments can be obtained as preparation for missions.)[/i] [b]Special Slot[/b]: ([i]misc such as pets. Anything that is not traditional equipment. This is optional[/i])[/indent] [b][u]MISC[/u][/b] [b]Theme Song[/b]: [b]Likes[/b]: [b]Dislikes[/b]: [b]Other Information[/b]: (anything fun you wanna add) [hider=Preparation Sheet] [u][b]Preparation Sheet[/b][/u] [i](Before a mission begins you must submit one of these to indicate the equipment you require, and things you need arranged. Sometimes there will be restrictions on what you can access so pay attention to that too.)[/i] [indent][b]Loadout[/b]: [i](list the equipment you will be carrying with you. Do note I will take into account how much you’re carrying.)[/i] [b]General Plan[/b]: [i](Break down your attack plan to me. Do note, things are not guaranteed to go exactly the way you indicate here, it is just helpful to know what you want to do, and for me to know what should end up happening)[/i] [b]Arrangement[/b]: [i](list any special preparations you require. This can include distractions, planting weapons on site, or paying off/using connections to bypass areas)[/i] [b]Escape Arrangement[/b]: [i](how will you get away? Very simple. You can also leave this empty and improvise)[/i][/indent] [/hider] [/hider]