[hider=Nickel Harry][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3rJwMx4.jpg[/img][/center]
[b]Name:[/b] Haruto “Harry” John Murray
[b]Alias:[/b] Nickel Harry
[b]Faction:[/b] Gunners 606
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 33
[b]Appearance:[/b][list]Standing at 5’6”, roughly average height, Harry’s build can be generally considered stout, well-built more so than the average Okinawan. His black hair is kept short and neat in a side part, and he is exceptionally average in having absolutely no facial hair. A number of smaller scars can be seen about the man’s arms, generally puncture wounds and cuts from a number of events in the Middle East.
[/list][b]Personality:[/b][list]Confident, competent, and seeing jobs as challenges rather than simple assignments to be completed, Harry is a naturally gregarious guy. He finds jokes in things that aren’t funny, optimism when things look dark, and opportunity for a job well done when things are going completely and utterly sideways. His times on the job, however, have given the man few opportunities to express this as he rarely has anyone with which to share such jokes with. Harry is also somewhat superstitious; there’s never a time when he doesn’t have a nickel in at least one pocket, and to not have a nickel is to invite fate against you.
[/list][b]Backstory:[/b][list]Born in Okinawa, Japan to an American sailor and an Okinawan Bento driver, Harry’s early life had a few moves involved. Mom and he moved about wherever he’d get stationed, shift from one place to another, and by the time Harry had gotten to age twelve he’d been in Japan, Kuwait, Spain, and even a short time in Cuba. He learned how to make friends quickly as a kid, experienced a surprisingly little amount of hate from other military brats, and generally had a good childhood. He grew up wanting to do the same, though, wanting to go out and see the world, to do things. At age seventeen, he started looking through the different branches, where he might fit in, where he might see that world. His dad wanted him to go Navy - after all, to him it was one of the safest options, though of course he refused to entertain the thought of something like the Air Force for even more safety. That little rift grew to become something of a killer, and Haruto became slowly convinced that he wanted to take his life in his own hands. After scoring exceptionally well on the tests, as well as having a good background with public school grades, he went off to join the Marines as an 0311, infantryman.

His time through Paris Island was hard enough, and he gained that nickname of Harry which seemed to stick long, long after, but to him it seemed fun, almost. He loved the challenges, the energy of it all, the brothers you made, memories of a good time. Over the course of twelve years with the Marine Corps, the man deployed throughout the Middle East and Far East, as well as attended the USMC’s scout sniper school. His skills with the languages, which really came about as a byproduct of having time to kill, as well as his marksmanship would earn the attention of several members in Gunners 606 also serving in the area at the time. Fourth deployment would be when Harry was finally approached by one, and the offer they made intrigued him in many ways. 

After his discharge, Harry spent a year still in the Middle East as an interpreter and bodyguard for several arms deals in the region. His operations with the organization following this would largely be as a cleaner, when Gunners 606 was forced to exit a portion of the Syrian market due to instability in the region threatening other more profitable deals. As a result, Harry liquidated a total of twenty-five individuals in the region, from leaders to suppliers, primarily using a network of informants to feed information to Syrian Army officials, directing strikes wherever needed whether that was the target itself or a different safehouse to force his quarry into the open. Since then, he has performed a number of services to the organization.
[/list][hr][u][b]COMBAT STYLE[/b][/u]
[indent][b]Overview:[/b][list]A simple style makes for the most robust style, in Harry’s eyes; Go Quiet, if it goes bad, Go Loud. The game requires one dead man, more often than not, and how he dies comes with a variety of possibilities. Flushing out that target is often the first step, one he takes with a variety of methods from fire alarms to phone calls into sight of a window to cutting elevator cables when the man finally leaves for lunch, these are all methods Harry tends to utilize in bringing the target out into frame. From there, a silenced .22 and the target tends to die.
[/list][b]Skills:[/b][list]His time in the USMC, from the fundamentals of scout sniper school to the practical experience in the Middle East, has for Harry developed a strong degree of marksmanship. The longest range is better, but never a guarantee; as such, he is quite competent at both long and close ranges. Silenced rifles are that first line, often sourced specifically for the job and conditions expected from lighter, silenced subsonic weapons for cities to the M95 for long, open spaces where wind and distance makes the lighter ammunition ineffective. At most other ranges, should the job remain quiet, Harry tends to prefer silenced, subsonic pistols; what the enemy doesn’t know about they can’t react to.

Harry is also a MCMAP practitioner, which encompasses a wide variety of techniques and methods for ensuring compliance in a subject. More often than not, he tends to shift to the swiftest, most incapacitating methods, chokes and holds. Knife techniques are also strongly preferred. To him, combat should always be armed such that it will end as quickly as possible.

As a believer in the “What works, works” school of thought, he is also quite experienced at explosives, both as far as the building of such and the actual use of it. Shaped charges are a favorite, should one ever feel the need to kill a man through an armored door or roof, and every lock has a thermite key if you’re really in a rush to open it. Making such a device into a less-than-obvious package, though, is the real trick, one which Harry is eager to show whenever the opportunity presents itself.
[/list][b]Special Trait:[/b] Improvisation[list]Every job has a number of correct ways to complete it and, to Harry, there’s nothing quite like performing the job with the least amount of collateral. After all, only one person really needs to die and how they die just needs to be verifiable. Quiet with a single silenced shot, loud with an explosive, and somewhere in between with a falling elevator, they all have their place within the toolkit and Harry isn’t one to throw away tools. Thinking on your feet is, to him, simply a way of life.
[/list][/indent][hr][u][b]COMBAT SLOTS[/b][/u]
[indent][b]Preferred Equipment:[/b][list]For weaponry, Harry always carries to a job his [url=https://i.imgur.com/NLzMC2i.jpg]Ruger MK II, suppressed[/url], in a shoulder holster as well as a [url=https://i.imgur.com/jmhpf0M.jpg]KS-23M[/url] for whenever things go poorly. Both of these weapons have been well maintained, with some custom-made parts to ensure the best reliability and the least amount of glint. For when he needs, a knife of one variant or another is often somewhere on his person.

The man always wears a bulletproof suit with many of the same innovations as those seen in the years before, from the silicon carbide discs to ceramics, as well as a rather heavy woolen coat with similar modifications for his own protection. The coat also has a number of interior pockets for ammunition, grenades, and other interesting presents.
[/list][b]Special Slot:[/b] N/A
[b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoylmpPkEB0]Four Tops - Reach Out I'll Be There[/url]
[b]Likes:[/b] Black Coffee, Gyoza, Bowling, Sudoku
[b]Dislikes:[/b] Energy Drinks, Meatloaf, Golf, Loud chewers
[b]Other Information:[/b][list]Harry is fluent in English, Japanese, Arabic, and Kurdish, as well as passable in Syriac and Farsi. He does speak all of the above, with the exception of his Japanese, with a mild accent though is fairly intelligible.