[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker led the party from the front, his tower shield and claymore in their usual cross shape on his back. As they entered the temple the Paladin could see a picture of Hades hanging in the entrance block of the temple. He gave a sign of respect to ‘the other side of the cycle of life’ that was his divine patron. There was no sign of any opposition so far. Through the right side door they went. The party was led through a narrow stone corridor, passing the lamps ensconced on the wall. As they took a left, the corridor led on to another door. Barracker lowered his voice telling everyone this is the library up ahead. As they were closing in on the door, Barrackers keen sense of hearing picked up voices on the other side. The Paladin rests a finger to his lips signalling quite, letting them there was danger ahead, before slotting his mask on. Barracker moved through, opening the door slowly and quietly. Seeing that the coast was clear, Barracker led the party into the library and moved stealthily through the aisles of books until they sighted the owners of the voices. "Take em down quietly?" Zell suggested, which was a good idea. When the swordsman pointed at him, Barracker nodded slightly to show there was understanding behind the faceless mask. "Cover us." Barracker tailed one of the four cultists, his target on the left side, standing near a bookcase reading. Barracker snuck table to sofa, sofa to table until he was close behind the cultist. He waited, hidden behind cover, for his party to be in position, ready to pull the cultists' feet up from under him, hard enough to yank him almost horizontal in the air. If successful, Barracker would clamp down a choke hold on the man as he came crashing down to the ground.