[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230524/91458118b42d1b084bbaf3d9ea357448.png[/img][/center] The moment he stepped into the Temple he felt it, the same feeling he had whenever he visited the big churches or when casting a blessing except this time it was strange, oppressive and uncomfortable, while normally the feeling wasn't nice per se it was at most indiferent whereas this one felt conflicted, as if caught between malice and accceptance and it couldn't decide which it wanted. He didn't like it. His breath became a little more deep as they made their way in silence, he wondered if the other were as nervous as him, fuck he really wasn't good with this sneaking shit but if this meant they were most likely to come alive at the end of this he was willing to put up with it. Finally, after what felt like an eternity they came across the library that the man had mentioned. [quote=Zell] "Cover us." [/quote] He gave a nod. In a second he accessed the bookshelf in his mind, bringing two of his newest spells to the forefront of his mind. Lesser Barrier and Lesser Counter Spell, if they tried anything he would be ready to act. He grimaced a little, he would have to prioritize Mac and Fenna over Zell and Kass as they had the better armor.