[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5495510][img]https://i.imgur.com/D86BBw8.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Branch-092 Facility - Containment Wing--[/h3][/center] While everyone else was busy socializing, training, spooking, or struggling with mundane everyday technology, the Esh-Class Anomaly registered as "A-188: Teratoma" was content to enjoy its meal as the person-sized slab of meat was being dissolved inside its amorphous body; muscle, ligaments, and even bone, by the time the Fleshweaver was done, absolutely nothing would be left of the meal. The entity might be many things, but let no one ever say that it's a waster, parents all over the world could only [i]dream[/i] of having a child as thorough as it. As expected, soon enough, the wholeass chunk was gone, so utterly that law enforcement would have no way of recovering any traces if it was a murder victim instead of raw beef. In a matter of minutes, Tera had finished something that would take the average person multiple full meals to chow down. [color=fe2863][b]"HaAaAaA~"[/b][/color] Satisfied, the blob of eldritch flesh morphed back to the seemingly innocent green-haired young girl without much ceremony, just like that transforming from a breeches-soiling creature to an adorable “child”. [color=26ffea][i]Hmmm...[/i][/color] Raising a hand to her chin, she pondered about what she'd like to do next. Since there were no "bad monsters'' to punish right now, she could play with sis again, or frolic around the base, or... she could take a comfy nap using her new steak-shaped pillow! Yes, yes, that'd be most pleasurable indeed. Making her decision, Tera skipped over to her king-size bed, belly-flopped on it, practically glomping the steak pillow, then she rolled around on the bed with it for a couple times before settling into a position. [color=26ffea][b]"Nyem, nyem...~"[/b][/color] With her belly full, she closed her eyes and began drifting off into a blissful slumber, probably dreaming of... something, best not to pry into the abyss, lest the abyss pries back.