Adam examined the wand he got from George. It was good the evil man couldn't use it or the knife to escape, but the Druid had no clue how it worked. Could it be useful someday? Maybe. Would it be useful now? Nope. With that in mind, the red-eyed man stored the magical device for later and focused his attention on entering the temple with the rest of his team. It was suspicious how few people they had encountered so far. Was this a trap, or was this cult just arrogant? Either way, Adam Phillips was extremely alert as the team proceeded to the library, and Zell's request of him and James was something the Druid was glad to do. If any of them were in trouble, Adam would use his acorns and-or maybe… Yes, it did work! He used his powers on one of the nearby wooden bookshelves to move it slightly. Not enough for anyone besides him to notice, but enough for him to know that his magic worked on that furniture. If the four attackers of the group succeeded, he would do nothing, but if any of their targets tried to escape or fight back they would learn just how heavy a bookshelf was.