[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] That feeling that disconcerted James' senses was the corruption of the Obivion Plane slowly but surely winning out over the power of Hades. Not that these other-dimensional entities were more powerful than The Quinity. No. Especially not an entity like a Greater Wraith, that was not even dominant in it's own demonic world. But the connection that [i]Drath'tuthan[/i] had established with the followers of this temple, had given him an open door to impact the mortal realm more directly. And the longer he could keep his claws sunk in the minds of these mortals, the more powerful his presence would become. The Temple of Hades had become a stronghold of darkness and despair. Lesser Wraiths roamed. Watched. And these beings were starting to zone in on the presence of the outsiders, Second Chance. Willpowers that had not yet been broken by the weight of corruption. The library would be as far as the Heroes from the Sky would get without being contested. On the mortal plane of Mytheria, it would appear as if the Lesser Wraiths came out of nowhere... [center][@Teyao][/center] He might have been nervous, but James was truly gifted to be able to already understand in detail the feelings he was getting from this place. He was smart to prepare his spells in advance. And furthermore, he was incredibly talented to be able to direct those spells to successfully defend two of his allies in the two tenth's of a second that the Lesser Wraiths were even detectable on this plane. He'd chosen to prioritize the protection of Fenna and MacKensie, which meant he'd left himself open to attack. The wraith appeared with it's ghostly weapon already held high and brought it down to strike the cleric. James would take the full brunt of the blow. Slashing damage that would bypass cloth, leather and steel to strike flesh, resulting in a lot of pain and a grievious purpling wound down his torso. It was not a killing blow, but second one might well be the end of him. And a second strike is what the floating corporeal being was hunting for as it swam through the air like a shark through water and went for a repeat attack... [center][@Loksfjoer][@Zool][/center] Like James' ambusher, the Lesser Wraith that lunged at Fenna was already upon her and bringing it's ghost-blade down on the ranger when it became visible. There was no way to avoid it. Luckily she wouldn't have to, as James' magic barrier materialized as a transparent disc, just an inch above her head, only glowing as the wraith's weapon hit it with a spark and a clang. Fenna would have no time to change her course, but her own attack wouldn't be interrupted either, and so the shaft of her weapon smashed across the head of her enemy, sending the cultist to the floor in a daze. The wraith frustratedly banged its weapon against the barrier a couple of times before floating off to one side and finding away around magical barrier. The time it took gave Fenna a chance prepare herself for whatever it would do next. As for MacKensie, the wraith that phased into reality to attack her, screeched in anger and pain as it's self-summoning was dispelled and it was banished back to the Oblivion Plane by James' Counter Spell. And so the cultist unfortunate enough to be her target was defenceless to the quick and ruthless ranger. He choked and gurgled for a few seconds before he was dead. [center][@Saiyan][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] The other three men in Second Chance were not fast enough to avoid the wraith's attacking them and they were not fast enough to get their own attacks off either. Barracker's cultist would feel the strong grip of the vampire on his ankle, but Barracker would not get a chance to do anything as a ghostly slash would bypass his armour and cut him deeply. His injury was not as bad as any of others due his higher ascension level and vampire toughness, but he still took damage. "What in the world!?" the man yelled as he looked behind him and realised they were under attack. The cultist brandished the wand on his belt and backed off to a safe distance to start casting, meanwhile the wraith would continue to assault Barracker. Zell would manage to steal the wand but that was all, as the wraith ambushing him would save yet another cultist. The full brunt of ghostly blade would strike the swordsman and hurt him very badly. The woman who was spared would run down the aisle and out the other side, head to one of the statues of plate armour and steal a sword, then come back into the battle. Zell's wraith would press it's advantage and follow up with another attack. Adam would not get a chance to move the bookcase any further as a sixth wraith would appear in the midst of a vicious swing that, again, would connected cleanly and wound the druid. Like James, due to the druid's non-combat class, he was extra vulnerable to the damage and would probably not live through another blow like that. Adam would barely have a chance to blink or feel his pain as the wraith would sweep toward him, changing speeds and winding like a falling piece of paper in the wind, then thrust his ghostly weapon forward in an attempt to end the druid's life..........