[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker was caught in the middle of a sword strike from the unexpected wraiths that appeared. The sword strike ignored his armour and sent Barracker flying back into a chair, sending him toppling over head first. This was uneasy, his head felt battered and his chest had a warm sensation where the flesh had been torn slightly, as if flayed off his skin, giving way to a deep purple. With the momentum he had, he rolled backwards onto his feet. He looked around to see his party companions and see where they were standing. The wraith never took his eyes off the Paladin as it swooped in with another slashing attack with its ghostly claw this time. Barracker drew his claymore. As the Paladin went for the spectre oil, the chair split into two, leaving Barracker the option of rolling again, circling the wraith waiting for its next move, while popping the vial of spectre oil, quickly soaking the blade. As he finished, the wraith went on the front foot- frontal attack with a combination of sword and claw. The sword was blocked by his claymore but the claw came clamping down on his shoulder, holding the vampire in place while the wraith went for a lethal sword thrust to Barracker’s face. The Paladin stretched his neck to one side, the ghost sword missing his face by a small margin. [Colour=Green][i]Dammit if I’m going to die today,[/i][/colour] he thought determinedly as the ghost blade passed through his face mask and grazed his cheek. [Colour=Green]“James! Adam! I’m on my way,”[/colour] he called out across the lounge area. The spellcasters were the most vulnerable as they usually require concentration to cast. Also wizards and other classes like that were not known to be defensively agile in the face of swinging swords. As soon as he could, the vampire dug his claymore into the wraith's arm. Doing this freed him from its grasp and allowed Barracker to get away and close the distance between himself and James and Adam. The spectre oil on his sword left the wraith’s arm mangled with a deep burning wound, screeching as Barracker sprinted towards the wizards. With prayer to Hades, he summoned a magic barrier between Adam and Adam’s wraith, and without stopping he lunged at James wraith and swung a powerful blow.