As the shaft made contact with the cultist's head and knocked them out, Fenna noticed the movement behind her. A wraith was banging on an invisible wall. Wraith! As it tried again, she grabbed the vial Barracker had given her and applied it to the tip of her spear. As it came around the barrier, she stepped aside and as it raised its blade she ducked and moved her spear into position. The wraith cried in agony when the tip made contact and pierced a part of its body. At the same time Sil let out a loud screech that distracted the cultists, but the wraiths didn't pay any attention to it. As the wraith backed down a little she quickly moved her head from left to right to take in the situation in the library. Barracker came to the aid of James and Adam, MacKensie seemed okay, but Zell was under attack from a wraith, and the two cultists that had a wand and a sword ready were also still around. The one with the wand had recovered from the screech and started casting again, but in response to Fenna's worry about that cultist, Sil attacked him with her talons and tried to grab the wand.