[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] The suprise attack was going well, at first. [i]Wand. Check.[/i] But Zell, very painfully, found out that the cultists weren't the only ones being snuck up on. "Agh!" The power of the ghost-sword slash knocked him stumbling backward and onto the floor. "Shit." Zell barely managed to hold onto his knife and the wand. He felt like his arm had been cleaved off at the shoulder. Eyes squeezed shut with pain, he forced one open to see his cultist target running off down the aisle, and the far more concerning visual of a purple, transparent-ish creature floating toward him with a sword brandished. Scrambling to his feet with the help of the bookshelves at his side, he backed up and avoided the swings of the wraith - a lean back, a slip right, a duck down - and stumbled his way out of the aisle, into the seating area where he would soon realise that everyone else was under attack too. In a moment of forgetfulness, he found an opening in the wraith's slow movements and threw himself at it, trying to stab it with his knife. "Whoa!" He went right through it, momentarily feeling he was in a winter blizzard before coming out the other side and falling onto his face. "Ugh." Instinctively he rolled several times to one side, blindly avoiding a [i]coup de grace[/i] from the wraith who relentlessly pressured him. Popping back to his feet, he was once again backing up avoiding attacks, throwing in a valiant effort to fire some kind of magic blast from the wand in his left hand (fail) before falling backwards over the back of a sofa. After rolling off, he'd created some space between himself and the wraith who was slowly gliding over the furniture. The time he had to himself gave him a chance to think, to feel the painful wound the ghost-sword had given him, and to look around the room at his friends. "Good work, Kass!" he shouted as he saw the vampire damage his opponent and then zoom to the aid of James and Adam. And then he sighted the enemy caster. A cultist with a wand, all the time and space in the world, and no one to stop him conjuring up something nasty. Zell had his new target. Avoiding another death blow from the wraith who had managed to catch up with him, he fled the ghostly being and ran towards the cultist with the wand at the end of the room. "Oi! Da fuck you think you're doin!" Sil suddenly screeched loudly and the wand-wielding cultist was holding his ears in pain. "Ha!" Zell sought to take advantage and launched his knife overhand to send it spinning through the air towards the cultist. Once near the wand-wielder, he joined the falcon and jumped into a 360 spin, drawing his sword mid-spin and putting all the momentum into a killing strike.